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Changes to five key Cabinet posts
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Changes to five key Cabinet posts
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2025

Stuart honoured to be T&T's 8th PM
Asked how he would differentiate himself from former prime minister Dr Keith Rowley now that he heads the Government, Young said there are a lot of things he could build on from the work Rowley has done but said the country will see the change unfold.

Changes to five key Cabinet posts: Young's A-Team

Cabinet reshuffle: PM Young selects new Cabinet - Live updates

Government to 'wait and see' if opposition's legal threat materialises
"Having served in the capacity as a legislator for so many years, I think I do believe I have the capability to do it, and I'm a lawyer by training. So I feel confident that I will bring the best to this office and I'm looking forward to the challenges and the successes that we can bring to the office."

Robinson-Regis said although she is aware of the legislation the government is working on, she will wait until she meets with previous attorney general, Reginald Armour, before deciding what should take priority.

Armour resigned last week after accepting a job as a Court of Appeal Justice at the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.

Kamla: Democracy lost with Young's appointment

President defends appointing Young as PM
The People's National Movement (PNM) holds the majority in Parliament, and all 21 PNM members of the House of Representatives submitted letters to the President confirming their support for Young as their leader in the House, the President said.

Gasps of surprise as Young appoints Camille AG
Robinson-Regis is the fourth woman to hold this position. The others were Kamla Persad-Bissessar; Glenda Morean and Bridgid Annisette-George.

Gonzales ready to tackle crime head-on
Gonzales said the police force must take to the forefront in the fight against crime and must also be held to account at the level of every officer and department.

The Lopinot/Bon Air West MP said the TTPS was the premier law enforcement agency, as it was police officers and not the minister who hold firearms and patrol the streets.

Gonzales said corruption in the ranks of the service must be rooted out and the majority of law-abiding officers must be able to do their jobs without threat.

Gonzales prioritises corruption clean-up within TTPS

Dhanpaul promises no hardship
Told that this was a big statement, Dhanpaul, who as a former permanent secretary understands Government finances and accounting, said; "Economic don't have to put pain on people necessarily. We are not going through austerity measures. We have no, at least I have no intention of implementing any austerity measures to literally punish the population. It's as simple as that. We are going to keep it above board, we are going to keep it with integrity and get the job done," he said.

He said his number one priority would be driving economic growth, especially in the non-energy sector. "If you drive that major level of economic growth, you solve a lot of other problems like foreign exchange, for instance," he said.

New Finance Minister promises not to introduce austerity measures
'No need for pain'

Kamla accuses Rowley of leading bloodless coup in T&T
... slams 'undemocratic' succession of Young as PM

Armed robbers beat retired neurosurgeon and steal luxury cars
The 84-year-old Fairways, Maraval resident was at home with his 42-year-old caretaker and gardener from Blanchisseuse when five men breached the property's walls and entered the house.

Defence Force member charged with Pleasantville woman's murder
Chezerae Kidney-Ramdass, of Apartment 13, Building C in Orchid Gardens, was shot dead in her apartment around 3.40 pm on January 29 by a man pretending to be a customer.

She operated a parlour from her apartment on the ground floor.

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