Pre-Fifth Summit of the Americas News
The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures
News: April 16, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures
Activist takes to the streets
» Castro and the Summit of the Americas
Cuba, and in particular its former President, Fidel Castro, is already a player at the fifth Summit of the Americas which takes place Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, in Port of Spain, Trinidad. That much is evident from information coming out of Havana, Moscow, Santiago de Chile and La Paz in recent days.
PoS Red zone takes effect 6 am
Red Zone lockdown starts at 6 am today
Michelle Obama not coming
US president, delegation to stay at Hilton
Obama at the summit
Obama, Caricom meet tomorrow
A meeting between US President Barack Obama and all Caricom leaders is being organised "tentatively" for tomorrow night...
Clinton: US ready to listen
Washington-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said yesterday that the Obama administration is reviewing a US policy of deporting undocumented Haitians and left open the possibility of expanding travel to Havana beyond the families of Cuban exiles in the United States.
Immigration detains six foreign protestors
Six professional protestors from Brazil, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela were detained at the Piarco International Airport last evening by immigration officers who also seized their passports.
People's Summit participants detained
26,000 wait for accreditation
Tight security in place for summit
Elite security for UN head
AN ELITE team of security officers comprising American Special Forces soldiers, Special Anti- Crime Unit of TT (SAUTT) and Special Branch police officers will be guarding United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon...
Obama's 'Beast' arrives
A UNITED States Air Force C-17 transporter arrived at Piarco International Airport yesterday at about 4 pm carrying on board, United States President Barack Obama's official State car, dubbed "The Beast". Two other decoy vehicles were also on board.
US fighter jets land in Grenada
Activist takes to the streets
CHILD rights activist Verna St Rose Greaves yesterday chose to take her lobby outside the Hyatt Regency, instead of attending the Civil Society forum, which was taking place metres from where she held her one-person demonstration, outside the Carnival Victory cruise ship.
Watch who donates to you
CIVIL Society Organisations (CSOs) must be careful from whom they accept donations, warned a Canadian scholar/activist at the civil society forum onboard the cruise-ship, Carnival Victory, which is docked at Port-of-Spain.
No invitations yet for backbenchers, Opposition
Don't blame average joe
THE VOICES of union leaders throughout the western hemisphere all echoed with similar sentiments yesterday at the Workers' Forum of the Americas, that the average person should not be the ones to pay for a crisis they did not create.
The Summit – what makes news
I have heard a few Trinis complaining about the foreign media, here in vast numbers during the Summit of the Americas, showing TT in an unfavourable light. Apparently teams of news and current affairs crews have been wandering around Port-of-Spain, camera lenses and eyes focused on what our proud citizens do not want them to see. My question is what else do you expect?
Problems still plague summit organisers
SUMMIT officials yesterday admitted that the evacuation procedure at Tower C of the International Financial Centre, which houses the Secretariat for the Fifth Summit of the Americas, was not followed according to regulations set by the Fire Service, when the alarms went off in the building, on Tuesday.
Frustration as badge machine breaks down
Official: Only 25 reporters for each event
Crowds pack Waterfront
Let calypso monarchs sing for summit—NACC
PBR off limits to maxis tomorrow
Vagrant removal still ongoing
News: April 15, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures
Manning opens 'People's Summit'
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning yesterday declared open the Fifth Summit of the Americas which he dubbed, "the People's Summit", as he launched the Civil Society Forum onboard the cruise ship, Caribbean Victory, which is docked in Port-of-Spain.
Panday still waiting for Summit invitation
UN Secretary General comes to PoS
A SURPRISE high-profile celebrity has been added to Prime Minister Patrick Manning's guest list for the Summit of the Americas. He is United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.
End the embargo
ONE DAY after US president Barack Obama lifted major restrictions on the travel of Cuban- Americans to Cuba and eased restrictions on remittances to the island, former Cuban President Fidel Castro yesterday urged Obama to go all out and lift the US trade embargo on the communist state.
Door opens for Cuba
THE United States President Barack Obama's decision to allow Cuban/Americans to travel freely to Cuba and to remit unlimited sums of money to Cuba as well, is a demonstration that he is not prepared to be fettered by long outdated policies.
What of FTAA, Mr Obama?
Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister, Patrick Manning, should formally raise with United States of America President, Barack Obama, at the upcoming Fifth Summit of the Americas, the resumption of talks for the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Alarms go off, Hyatt evacuated
700 forced to vacate summit building as fire alarm trips
T&TEC 'error' causes panic
Panic erupted yesterday at the International Financial Centre in Port-of-Spain, when the building in which the National Secretariat of the Fifth Summit of the Americas is located was evacuated, after a power failure.
Long delays at Accreditation Centre
Glitches in the accreditation process by the National Secretariat for the Fifth Summit of the Americas yesterday forced participants to endure hours of delays in the procedure.
Morales coming for Summit
BOLIVIAN PRESIDENT Evo Morales yesterday confirmed he will be in Trinidad on Friday to attend the Fifth Summit of the Americas.
Cops move into floating hotels
Fitun still awaits approval for march
Brown: Govt wants to set civil agenda
Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of Non-Governmental Organisations for the Advancement of Women, says the Government is trying to control every aspect of the Summit preparation, in particular, setting the agenda for the Civil Society Forum.
Brown: Let us see the draft
...the latest version of the draft declaration that will be signed by the heads of States at the Fifth Summit of the Americas at the weekend.
Finance Minister seals Andean deal
Unity, a must for Caricom at summit
Poor scores for T&T on summit index
Trinidad and Tobago has received very poor scores on a performance index on the implementation of mandates from the last four Summits of the Americas.
Of frenzy and substance
On the waterfront
Forum for workers at UWI today
News: April 14, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures
Mariano: Everything's on track
Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Committee, Mariano Browne, says "everything is on track for a good summit."
Manning pleased as big opening day draws near
Obama talks at summit opening
United States President Barack Obama will speak "live" in Trinidad on Friday at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth Summit of the Americas at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, said Prime Minister Patrick Manning.
US Labour Secretary coming for talks
1,200 journalists coming for summit
Communications co-ordinator of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, Felipe Noguera, says about 1,200 media personnel from 34 countries will visit for the Summit from April 17 to 19.
Over 750 journalists registered so far
Media question 'pooling'
When asked about the selection process, she [Globecast representative, Melanie Gibb] could not reveal details. However, she indicated that because of the number of countries covering the mega-meeting, only one member of the local media may be chosen for a pool.
NEWS UPDATE: Evo Morales suspends hunger strike
...after Congress approves new electoral law
NEWS UPDATE: Bolivia Enacts New Electoral Law
No word yet on Bolivia's Morales
Venezuela's Chávez Pledges Support for Hunger Striking Morales in Bolivia
Morales had announced that he will skip the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and the summit of the Latin American trade bloc ALBA in Venezuela this week, unless the Bolivian Senate passes the law.
'Corn soup, callaloo will set Evo right'
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning half-jokingly invited Bolivian President Evo Morales to try some Trini crab and callaloo to "set him right", even as word came that Morales will miss the Fifth Summit of the Americas from Friday to Sunday as he yesterday entered his fifth day of a hunger strike.
Flight delays, youth talks start late
DELAYS in the arrival of delegates yesterday hampered at least two of the events which were scheduled to take place before the start of the Fifth Summit of the Americas on Friday.
Cruise ships dock for summit
Princess, Victory dock in PoS
WITH its horn blaring, the majestic cruise liner Caribbean Princess announced its arrival at the spanking new multi-million dollar Port-of-Spain International Waterfront at 5.15 pm yesterday.
News: April 13, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures
Chavez holds own talks: Nations meet in V'zuela
Three days before the Fifth Summit of the Americas, scheduled for April 17-19, a group of Latin American and Caribbean leaders led by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will meet in Caracas to discuss new paths for regional integration, trade and cooperation.
Much conflict and contradiction
Questions were being raised about the alleged breaking of the rules, the outright refusal to be governed by the rules, about the refusal of the UDeCOTT leadership to submit to ministerial oversight.
We are working to get it right—Browne
With four days to go for the start of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Committee, Mariano Browne, says all stakeholders are working together "to get everything right."
Trini banquet
US PRESIDENT Barack Obama and his wife Michelle will on Saturday dine in fine style with 33 other leaders...
Residents plan lock-down
RESIDENTS of Oropune Gardens in Piarco will virtually be in "lock-down mode" during the Summit of the Americas...
US Trinis proud too bad
Fleeing thief nabbed
Summit Secretariat bandit nabbed at Airport
TT at its Summit
This coming weekend is an historical and momentous one for Trinidad and Tobago, which though only a small dot on the New World map, we host the Fifth Summit Of The Americas.
Tight security for C'wealth meeting
Same as Americas Summit
