All posts by News

Snatched baby Back in mom’s arms

By Carol Matroo
November 21 2007

Baby NoelNEKEISHA Noel was breathless, shaking, excited.

She ran the gamut of emotions as she stood at the front entrance of the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital, eagerly awaiting the return of her five-day-old baby boy.

It was at this same institution that one of Noel’s greatest fears was realised…her son was stolen from her, just mere hours after she gave birth last Friday morning.
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Deception Thy Mate is Panday

By Stephen Kangal
November 21, 2007

Basdeo PandayIn the rest of the civilised world politics is the art of the possible and of compromise. In T&T it degenerated in 2007 into a fine art of naked UNC deception that caused some 190,000 unsuspecting people to be so manipulated that they bought into it with their rustic innocence and hero worship of a badly scarred leader.

Panday whose political credibility has reached ground zero deceptively led Mr. Dookeran in October 2005 into the lion’s den under the false illusion that both were participating in leadership succession planning in the UNC. Mr. Dookeran suffered from the worst form of humiliation and total disrespect as Leader of the UNC.
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Forward Ever – Backward Never

By Michael De Gale
November 20, 2007

It took me a while to recover from the shock of the cesspool into which local politics had fallen, and to fumigate my mind from the stench that permeated political discourse in the recently concluded general election in T&T. I will not rehash the unsightly displays and personal attacks that took precedence over numerous opportunities to articulate a vision for the country, propose feasible solutions to pressing social issues and to demonstrate enlightened leadership. However, I still can’t get over the petty miscreant whose battle cry was “let ME go out in a blaze of glory”, when the future of the nation was at stake, nor the acrimonious remarks used by the sore losers to conceded defeat. But all that is behind us now. The universe has unfolded as it should. While there is need for consultation and strategy, the job of running the country must continue without pause for a honeymoon. At the core, it must be born in mind that a government was elected to lead a nation, not only to serve those who lent their support when political barbarians were pounding at the gates. That’s what democracy and leadership is about.
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Panday Receives Instrument of Appointment

LEFT: His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards presents the Instrument of Appointment to Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday
LEFT: His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards presents
the Instrument of Appointment to Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday Reporters
Event Date: November 15, 2007
Posted: November 20, 2007

Opposition Leader and Member of Parliament for Couva North Basdeo Panday received his instrument of appointment as Leader of the Opposition on Thursday 15th November, 2007, at the President’s house in front of a small gathering consisting mainly of UNC supporters.

The Instrument of Appointment was presented to Mr. Panday by His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago at a very brief and simple ceremony.
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Panday’s political pyre

Patrick Manning, Basdeo Panday and Winston Dookeran
PNM Patrick Manning, UNC-A Basdeo Panday and COP Winston Dookeran

by Raffique Shah
Sunday, November 18th 2007

If the PNM can take little comfort in its victory in the recent general elections, how must the opposition UNC view the results? Last week I alluded to what I saw as a decline in support for the PNM in many of its core constituencies. True, boundaries were re-drawn by the EBC and five new constituencies created, making it difficult to make clear comparisons with previous election results. But when one examines the numbers (compared with 2002 results), they must be cause for serious concern for the new Government that is supposed to officially start functioning tomorrow.
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Tobago teen shot dead by NY cops

Violence20 Bullets For Hairbrush
According to media reports, Coppin’s mother, whose name has not been released, called a psychiatric unit to request assistance in dealing with her 18-year-old son. However, when the psychiatric workers arrived at the home, Coppin had left. Coppin arrived a few hours later, but by that time, the psychiatric workers had left, according to that account.

Later that night, some media reports indicate that Coppin’s mother dialed 911 to report a domestic dispute, to which police officers responded. The police today released what the department said is audio where Coppin could he heard yelling “I’ve got a gun,” Newsday and the Associated Press reported this evening, adding that the mother had told a police Captain at the scene that the son did not have a weapon.
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Hinduism and Racism in Trinidad

This topic is a split from the thread:
“T&T General Elections 2007 Unofficial Results”

Peter Beharry
Nov 13th, 2007 at 10:45 pm

HindusI agree with Mr. Ruel Daniels that racism perpetrated by certain indo-trinis needs to be eradicated (like any other kind of racism).
However, his wholesale labelling of east indians in general and hindus in particular as racist brahmin plottrers (dalit origins nonwithstanding).
This actually makes it difficult for east indians to attack the racists in their own community, as they would likely draw additional fire by doing so.
Perhaps, something like this:
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Crime …. Scalping suspect surrenders…

ViolenceGirl, 12, critical after rape
A 12-year-old schoolgirl is fighting for her life at the San Fernando General Hospital after she was allegedly tied up and sexually assaulted by two masked men at her Rio Claro home yesterday morning. Police report the men also stuffed a melongene into her body and left her for dead.

Genes and licks linked to murders
Psychologists weigh in on growing violence

“He is most likely not a psychopath, based on the initial report. This is a crime of passion. It is situational. It is not a personality characteristic,” said psychologist Courtney Boxill.
“A psychopath is somebody who commits heinous crimes and his conscience does not bother him, and further more he does not care about the punishment that he may face in the future.”

Santa Cruz Murder
Rural haven becomes deathbed

Scalping suspect surrenders
A man who allegedly chopped and scalped the boyfriend of his former common law wife surrendered to the police at the St Clair office of attorney Jagdeo Singh last night.
Continue reading Crime …. Scalping suspect surrenders…

Crime fight calls for swift, deadly justice

By Raffique Shah
November 11th 2007

Patrick ManningNow that Patrick Manning and the PNM have convincingly won the 2007 general elections, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues need to lace their work boots, adjust their coveralls, and get back to work without even a pause for refreshment or celebration. There is no honeymoon after a third marriage. Manning must have sensed a PNM victory well before elections day-as sober observers did-those who were not carried away by highly inflated crowd numbers, especially the paid-for versions. So now, as George Chambers said after his 1981 victory: fete done, it’s back to work.
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