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Divali Celebrations in Patna Village, Diego Martin Reporters
Event Date: November 10, 2007
Posted: November 12, 2007

The Divali celebrations ended in spectacular fashion across the country as lighted deyas lit up many communities across Trinidad and Tobago. This Hindu festival which honors the Hindu Goddess Mother Lashkmi (Goddess of wealth and prosperity) has become a major attraction for many people. There are several stories within Hindu scriptures that relate to this festival. One involves the return home of Lord Rama to Ayodha after fourteen years in exile. Upon his arrival, the overjoyed people of the village lit rows of lights as they greeted him in joy and happiness.
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Manning Eliminating the Rowley Threat

Patrick ManningRumour has it that Prime Minister Patrick Manning has eliminated from his Cabinet all members who had once supported Dr. Keith Rowley for leadership of the PNM.

Rumour has it that Manning was in favor of the corruption charges against Rowley sticking, thereby allowing a convincing reason to get rid of him, while ensuring that he is no leadership threat in the future. Although the charges did not stick, Manning would be looking for other ways to achieve his goal. Meanwhile, Manning is eliminating Rowley’s former and current supporters.
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Manning Officializes in Princely Style Reporters
November 8, 2007

Patrick Manning received a majestic welcome from thousands of PNM supporters who ventured to Woodford Square to witness the first ever public swearing-in of a Prime Minister. This historic occasion took place on Wednesday 7th November, 2007, and was not without controversy as members of the Opposition party, the United National Congress, summed up this event as another dictatorial scheme on the part of the People’s National Movement. Nevertheless, many people disagreed, regarding the moment as sacred and monumental where the people were able, firsthand, to witness the ceremonial coming into office of their elected leader.
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Newly Appointed Government Ministers
November 08, 2007

Manning Sworn-in at Woodford Square

Manning Officializes in Princely Style
Patrick Manning received a majestic welcome from thousands of PNM supporters who ventured to Woodford Square to witness the first ever public swearing-in of the Prime Minister.

‘He’s like a prince’
…Woodford Square crowd gives PM royal treatment

Manning sworn in US Presidential-style
In an American-styled swearing-in ceremony the likes of which this country has never seen, President George Maxwell Richards was yesterday upstaged by Patrick Manning who became the first person to take the Prime Ministerial oath at historic Woodford Square.

Let’s move on as one family—PM
Prime Minister Patrick Manning has assured that there will be neither alienation nor victimisation following Monday’s general election in which his People’s National Movement (PNM) won…

Patrick’s day in the Square
Prime Minister Patrick Manning was mobbed by crowds of screaming well-wishers who stretched their hands across barriers to touch and even kiss him after his historic swearing-in at Woodford Square, Port-of-Spain yesterday, where he earlier promised a greater role in his government for women.
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Woodford Square for PM swearing in…

Prime Minister Patrick Manning
Prime Minister Patrick Manning

Woodford Square for PM swearing in…
PNM leader Patrick Manning will this afternoon take the oath of office as Prime Minister for another term, standing in the unprecedented setting of Woodford Square, Port-of-Spain–the traditional “stomping ground” of his People’s National Movement party…

PNM: 299,813 UNC-A & COP: 342,466
Preliminary figures from the Elections and Boundaries Commission show that 653,882 electors cast their votes during Monday’s General Elections from the 990,352 eligible to vote.
Out of the 653,882 electors 651,576 votes were valid and 2,306 were rejected.
The 2007 electorate increased by 115,092 from the 2002 electorate of 875,260. As for the number of votes cast the figure increased by 44,311 from the 2002 amount of 609, 571.

EBC: Lower turnout than 2002 election
The People’s National Movement (PNM), despite winning the election and gaining six more seats, has lost some of its support and has not grown in popularity in the past five years.
Figures from the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) for Monday’s polls show that the PNM got 299,813 votes, 8,949 fewer than in the 2002 general election.
Overall, the PNM also lost more than five percentage points of the popular vote on Monday as compared to 2002.
Continue reading Woodford Square for PM swearing in…

T&T General Elections 2007 Unofficial Results

Patrick Manning, Basdeo Panday and Winston Dookeran
PNM Patrick Manning, UNC-A Basdeo Panday and COP Winston Dookeran

Trinidad and Tobago General Elections 2007:

Preliminary 2007 Election Results

Victorious Candidates and Constituencies

PNM romps home
With the lion’s share of the marginal seats in its back pocket, the People’s National Movement led by leader Patrick Manning handed the United National Congress Alliance (UNC A) and the Congress of the People (COP) a stinging defeat in yesterday’s general election, walking away with 26 out of a total of 41 seats.

PNM 26 UNC 15 COP 0
Trinidad and Tobago yesterday voted to “step up” with Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the People’s National Movement.

Manning to supporters: Put aside differences
Coffee Street was transformed into a Carnival-like atmosphere last night as the People’s National Movement won the two San Fernando seats and the general election…

PNM back in Govt
Heading to Government for another term, the People’s National Movement (PNM) completed yesterday’s general election race with preliminary results of 26 seats over the United National Congress’ (UNC-A) 15 seats…
The total registered electorate was 990,352.
EBC estimates put yesterday’s voter turn-out at around 53 per cent. This was at midnight, when boxes of ballots were still coming in.
The voter turnout in the 2002 election was approximately 69 per cent.
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Flow Cable Company Cuts Basic Package

Trinidad and Tobago News Blog

Flow Cable (Columbus Communications Trinidad Limited)Please allow me a place to describe my complete dissatisfaction about the cable company Flow on removing the computer oriented channel G4 from the basic package.

It seems that Flow’s marketing department is making wrong decisions and expecting us customers to pay extra for channels that we have grown accustomed to on the basic cable package.
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Hazardous Conditions at Isaac Place Cascade

HelpWater from the Hololo mountains has been destroying the footpath that lead to the homes of families living in the area because there is no watercourse for the water to follow. Numerous letters have been sent to the St George County Council regarding this problem more than forty years ago and to date this problem still persist.

My mother who resides there is afraid to walk in the day much less at night especially due to the fact there has never been any street light.
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Political Immaturity in TnT

Basdeo Panday, Patrick Manning and Winston Dookeran
Basdeo Panday, Patrick Manning and Winston Dookeran

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
October 28, 2007

As TnT becomes fully embroiled in the 5th November general elections euphoria, some overt, scary symptoms of political immaturity seem to have gone astray in its body politic.

Indeed, while on the one hand, Calypsonian Winston “Gypsy” Peters is still being tarred and feathered for contesting elections on a UNC – Alliance ticket, on the other hand, one finds that in 2007, the political seas are calm, unruffled and smooth as Chutney artiste Heeralal Rampartap is contesting the same elections on a PNM ticket. What’s wrong with this picture?
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