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Six Held for Week-Long Torture of African Female

Details Emerge In West Virginia Torture Case

LynchingSix people have been arrested in West Virginia coal country for the week-long torture of a young woman. Six people, all white, were arrested in connection with the alleged abduction of the black woman. Authorities are investigating the case as a possible hate crime.

Authorities said Megan Williams, 20, was forced to eat rat and dog feces and drink from a toilet. She was sexually assaulted, doused with hot water, choked with a cable cord and stabbed in the leg, according to criminal complaints.
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PM’s Monopolistic Pursuit of Fame, Power and Fortune

By Stephen Kangal
September 14, 2007

Patrick ManningIn denouncing some of his Ministers’ current stewardship, it is clear that PM Manning has unwittingly telegraphed that he alone has the exclusive right over the pursuit of fame, power and fortune in politics. The criteria of having a “level head and common sense” for ministerial appointment was never met by the author himself having regard to his weekly blunders and recent display of $200m of regal splendour and opulence. Now a performance audit resulting from a secretive poll is in the PM’s back pocket as the sword of Patos. The results of this suspect poll will take precedence over the democratic will of the respective PNM constituencies in new candidate selection.
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Winsford ‘Joker’ Devine Speaks Reporters
September 12, 2007

Winsford 'Joker' DevineCreator of such Calypso gems as “Progress”, “In Time to Come”, “Somebody”, “Steelband Woman”, “Saltfish”, “This World Don’t Like Nothing Black”, “Phillip My Dear”, “Take Me Back Africa”, “Too Young to Soca” “In Time to Come”, “Save our Domestics”, Winsford ‘Joker’ Devine is undoubtedly one of the greatest songwriters of our time. His compositions range from the bacchanal and sexual topics of the Soca genre to the serious social commentaries that analyse and enrich our social space. Over the past 40 years, his compositions have been sung by many singers including ‘Crazy’, ‘Sparrow’, Machel Montano, ‘Singing Francine’, ‘Mighty Trini’, Charlene Boodram, ‘Sugar Aloes’, Marcia Miranda, Karen Asche, ‘Poser’, ‘Baron’, ‘Explainer’, ‘Blakie’ and ‘King Austin’. Many of these songs have become classics of the Calypso artform, but in an arena where most of the public recognition goes to the singer, many persons are unaware of Joker’s involvement. In this extensive interview with, this prolific Soca/Calypso composer talks frankly and vividly about his compositions, the state of the Calypso artform and his general life experiences.
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COP’s ‘Real Red’ First Anniversary Rally

COP's First Anniversary Rally
COP’s First Anniversary Rally in pictures Reporters

With the next general elections looming, the Congress of the People held their first anniversary celebrations with a rally titled Real Red: The Event. Thousands of people from throughout the country wearing red C.O.P. jerseys packed into Woodford Square, a venue that has traditionally been politically associated with the ruling People’s National Movement. Police reportedly estimated the crowd size as between 25,000 to 30,000.
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Win the battle, lose the war

By Raffique Shah
Sunday, September 9th 2007

Patrick ManningPNM leader Patrick Manning must be over-confident about his party’s chances in the general elections that should be held no later than early December. Why else would he trigger tremors in the ruling party at this critical point, virtually on the eve of elections?

Whether or not his “secret poll” on the performances of his MPs prompted five of ten among his frontline parliamentarians to declare their decision to not seek re-election may never be known. If there’s one thing the PNM has been efficient at in its 51-year history, it is keeping secrets within the fold. So while we in the media may speculate, even pronounce on whispers, supposedly from well-placed sources, we shall never know what is true from what is not.
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MPs vs Manning

By Irene Medina
Tuesday, September 4 2007

Patrick ManningSenior MPs of the ruling People National Movement’s (PNM) have lashed out at their political leader and Prime Minister Patrick Manning for using a secretly conducted poll as a screening mechanism to weed them out of the General Elections line-up.

A top PNM insider says that Manning is using the poll, a creation of a committee led by PNM public relations officer, Jerry Narace “to create sycophants and a Cabinet of putty to do what he wants.”
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Independence King–a forgotten figure

By Raffique Shah
Sunday, September 2nd 2007

Independence Day Parade and Awards 2007As the nation marked its 45th anniversary of Independence last Friday, focus would have been on the many statements of achievements by leaders in the society, some criticisms of where we have failed, and on outstanding individuals, especially recipients of national awards. The fact that a society as diverse as ours has survived devious moves to divide us along racial and religious lines is something we ought to be proud of. We have also, to our credit, withstood several major political upheavals and lean economic times.
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Cudjoe’s Grasping At Straws

By Stephen Kangal
August 29, 2007

Congress of the PeopleHaving been controversially appointed via the political patronage route to the Board of the Central Bank (CB), nondescript Dr. Selwyn Cudjoe has to earn his political keep by splitting hairs between economics, monetarism and politics and labouring in vain with annoying trivialities to demonstrate his lack of true professionalism.

Were Dr. Cudjoe a self-proclaimed genuine disciple of the truth as he claims to, he would have done the requisite research as a professional. He should have compared the original text of the speeches delivered by the former Governor of the Central Bank with the edited text of those included in Mr. Dookeran’s book before casting premature, hasty, silly and politically motivated aspersions on the integrity of Dookeran the author.
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Hindu Oppression: Replying to Vijay Naraynsingh

Replying to Vijay Naraynsingh

By Marion O’Callaghan
Monday, August 27 2007

IndiansI had mapped out in my mind what I would write for this Monday of the week of Independence Day Celebrations when lo and behold I come across Prof Vijay Naraynsingh’s address at the Fourth Mahant Ramdass Award Celebrations. I say to myself, “there goes again any hope of our living up to the promises of Independence and of a Republic.”
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