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If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee…

By Michael De Gale
July 04, 2007

Donald Rumsfeld's handsI am not a man given to violence nor am I the fanatical follower of any particular religion which advocate cutting off the hands of thieves. However, the more I learn about what appears to be endemic corruption in T&T, massive budget overruns and the widespread breach of public trust, the more I am convinced that there is some merit to this form of punishment. Without appearing to break bread with what some may consider barbarians, I could willingly support the law which states that, “If the right hand offend you, cut it off”. Not to punish poor people who steal to feed hungry children in the cornucopia that is T&T. Not even as punishment for the drug or chemically addicted who are compelled to steal to feed the insatiable cravings of the monkeys on their backs. Such people are desperately in need of professional help and social intervention.
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Distorting Zimbabwe: West Indies Cricket and Media Propaganda

By Ras Tyehimba
July 03, 2007

Zimbabwe WatchThe Express editorial of June 20th 2007, in arguing against a West Indies tour of Zimbabwe, describes Zimbabwe as an increasingly explosive place and adds that, “…there is another matter having to do with the legitimacy of the Mugabe-led government and the correct stance democratic nations in the world should adopt with respect to what continues to be a relentless assault on the human rights of not only politicians opposed to Mr. Mugabe but those of his own people.”
Continue reading Distorting Zimbabwe: West Indies Cricket and Media Propaganda

St. Peter’s Day 2007

Carenage: St. Peter's Day Celebrations 2007
Carenage: St. Peter’s Day Celebrations 2007 in pictures

St. Peter’s Day Celebrations in Carenage
For Christians, Saint Peter is generally regarded as an important figure in Christianity, and Roman Catholicism specifically. As such, many Christians throughout the world annually celebrate his birthday on 29th June with traditional religious services and festive activities in commemoration of his life’s work. This festival is regarded as an historical occasion and is particularly centered on the sea, fish and fishermen because St. Peter, who was one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles according to the biblical story, was also a fisherman.

Exposing Racism in the Medical Fraternity, Government and Media

By A. Hotep
July 01, 2007

AfricansThere have been many complaints over the years from the public that the medical fraternity discriminates against Africans who seek to become doctors. The response was a generalization that Africans were not applying themselves for entry into the medical fraternity. Many of us knew that was not true, but those in charge did not feel inclined to investigate the racism in many of the learning institutions, including the University of the West Indies. Now that Professor Bartholomew appears to be making a similar claim, suddenly it is being taken seriously.
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Prof hits admission policy of Mt. Hope medical school

Trinidad Express
Sunday, July 1st 2007

DoctorsIn a strongly-worded letter to Minister Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education and copied to the Prime Minister, Patrick Manning; John Rahael, Minister of Health; and the Dean of the Medical Faculty, Dr Phyllis Pitt-Miller; Prof Courtenay Bartholomew, Emeritus Professor Medicine (UWI), has criticised the admissions policy of students for entry into medical school in Mt Hope.
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Fighting high food prices

By Raffique Shah
July 01, 2007

The MarketA few weeks ago I wrote a two-part article for the Business Express magazine in which I pronounced “cheap food a thing of the past”. The headline and contents must have infuriated both my comrades in FITUN, which has mounted a campaign against high food prices, and consumers generally, who, once they remain uninformed, blame greedy grocers and government for their high food bills. I admire David Abdulah’s and FITUN’s tenacity in highlighting the issue of high prices, and trying to do something about it. But I think their focus needs to shift from the blame game to addressing the means by which consumers can empower themselves.
Continue reading Fighting high food prices

JLSC to move against Mc Nicolls

By Andre Bagoo and Nalinee Seelal
Thursday, June 28 2007

Chief Magistrate Sherman Mc NicollsThe Judicial and Legal Service Commission (JLSC) is drafting two disciplinary charges of misconduct to be served on Chief Magistrate Sherman Mc Nicolls no less than 12 days from now.

The charges are expected to be served on Mc Nicolls shortly after he delivers a ruling in the five-year-long Piarco I preliminary inquiry due on July 9. The disciplinary charges will allege Mc Nicolls brought the administration of justice into disrepute. When the Commission completes the drafting exercise, Mc Nicolls will be notified and given an opportunity to respond.
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Girl, 13, gives birth: four students charged with rape

Thursday 28th June, 2007

BabyThe alleged rape is reported to have taken place sometime between April and October 2006. Last week, doctors delivered the baby by Caesarean section because of the teenage mother’s age, health and the size of the baby.

A 13-YEAR-OLD boy was among four students who appeared in the Princes Town Magistrates Court yesterday charged with raping a 13-year-old girl.
Continue reading Girl, 13, gives birth: four students charged with rape

Pakistan’s lesson for TnT

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
June 14, 2007

Trini PeopleContrary to Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s public identification, “the most intractable problem facing Trinidad and Tobago at this time is (not) race relations” but ethnic relations.

Yes, we all belong to the human race but this human-race matrix is replete with people of different/ varied/ diversified skin colour or hues as a result of adaptation and migration coterminous with human sexual interrelationships/ contacts over the millennia.
Continue reading Pakistan’s lesson for TnT

Carnage on the Streets: It’s Not Normal

By Michael De Gale
June 12, 2007

Vehicular AccidentLike the runaway crime situation, the carnage on the streets of T&T makes me wonder if anyone is in charge. Is there a ministry responsible for transportation or a police department responsible for road safety? If so, why are people being mangled daily and lives being lost unnecessarily, when tried and proven measures can be enforced to stop vehicular terrorism? How difficult is it to clamp down heavily on speedsters, inebriated and otherwise reckless drivers, street racers and all the madness that passes for driving in T&T? With the death toll in excess of 115 so far, these are no longer accidents; this is murder and should be prosecuted as such.
Continue reading Carnage on the Streets: It’s Not Normal