Category Archives: Media

Manning puts T&T in election mode

PNMManning puts T&T in election mode
Prime Minister Patrick Manning put the country in election mode yesterday, when he announced that April 7 would be the start of screening of 41 new candidates.

Manning sets the election ball rolling…
While the country was expecting the long-overdue Local Government election date, Prime Minister Patrick Manning yesterday went for the whole hog, and called for nominations for candidates for a general election.
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PM: Drug dealers against me

By Cecily Asson
March 24, 2010

PM Patrick ManningPRIME MINISTER Patrick Manning has accused the country’s drug dealers of being “against me” ever since his government’s acquisition of tens of millions of dollars worth in security technology including a radar system, fast patrol sea crafts, interceptors and helicopters to tackle the drug trade.

And in a strange twist, Manning said that as a result of drug dealers viewing him as “the man who standing in their way”, he is now being attacked daily in the media.
Continue reading PM: Drug dealers against me

How to save the PNM

By Dr Selwyn Cudjoe
March 18, 2010

Part I

Prime Minister Patrick ManningOver the last two weeks the media have been merciless in their attacks against the PNM, the Prime Minister and the Government. When it was not about the Prime Minister’s ‘Prophetess’ it was about Calder Hart’s presumed deception and alleged financial indiscretions. When it was not about the vindication of Keith Rowley, it was about the wonders of a revivified Kamla and prediction of UNC’s inevitable victory in the 2012 election, without the faintest acknowledgment that in politics, a week is like a year, and a year is like a decade. In political terms, 2012 might be 20 years in the future.
Continue reading How to save the PNM

Hart has case to answer

LEFT: Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira, Attorney General John Jeremie, Prime Minister Patrick Manning and Works Minister Colm Imbert in parliament on March 12, 2010
LEFT: Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira, Attorney General John Jeremie, Prime Minister Patrick Manning and Works Minister Colm Imbert in parliament on March 12, 2010
Hart has case to answer
FOR THE first time, Prime Minister Patrick Manning yesterday admitted that former Udecott executive chairman Calder Hart has “a case to answer”, even as fresh questions emerged over the role Manning played in the circumstances surrounding Hart’s departure from Trinidad last Saturday in the midst of an ongoing criminal investigation.

PM: Hart not guilty
Minutes after saying former executive chairman of the Urban Development Corporation (Udecott) Calder Hart was not guilty of anything, Prime Minister Patrick Manning announced the appointment of Chief Executive Officer at the Housing Development Corporation, Jearlean John as the new chairman of Udecott, replacing Hart, who resigned last week.
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Governance by God…no less

By Raffique Shah
March 07, 2010

Prime Minister Patrick ManningIf Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s brimstone-and-fire like sermon in Parliament two Fridays ago was reflective of the normal behaviour of Born-Again-Whatever, then I thank the Lord (if She exists) for saving me from the darkness that envelops such tortured souls, for allowing me to see the light of rational thinking at a very early age in my life.
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BREAKING NEWS: Calder Hart Resigns


Calder Hart resigns from Udecott
Calder Hart resigns from Udecott
Calder Hart has resigned from Udecott and all other state boards in Trinidad and Tobago.

ALMOST two years after allegations of corruption were first made against him, Calder Hart yesterday resigned as the Udecott executive chairman and as the chairman of four other state boards he had been appointed to under Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s administration.
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Manning charges religious persecution

PM Patrick Manning yesterday in parliament
PM Patrick Manning yesterday in parliament
Religious Persecution
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning yesterday said a church being built at the Heights of Guanapo is above board, as he accused his detractors of “religious persecution” of him and the Full Gospel faith.

Manning charges religious persecution
Prime Minister Patrick Manning says born-again Christians must stop accepting the denigration of their faith by people who know none of their beliefs.
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Laventille, don’t fall for sweet talk

Guardian Editorial
February 11, 2010 –

LaventilleHaving had the absolute and unwavering support of the people of Laventille for the 54 years of its existence as a political party, it is highly contemptuous of the PNM’s political leader, Prime Minister Patrick Manning, to go into that part of the country, which is riddled with crime and sunk in underdevelopment, to name in an ad hoc manner a committee of ministers and parliamentary representatives to discern the problems of the area. Where have Mr Manning and the PNM Government been all this time?Specifically, as it relates to the stewardship of Mr Manning’s administration, between 2002 and 2007, Prime Minister Manning and his Government announced a plan for the rehabilitation of east Port-of-Spain, inclusive of the “behind the bridge” areas, Laventille and Sea Lots. Where has that plan got to beyond talk and the establishment of a company, presumably to effect the job?
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Why the Oscars are a Con

By John Pilger
February 10, 2010 –

The OscarsWhy are so many films so bad? This year’s Oscar nominations are a parade of propaganda, stereotypes and downright dishonesty. The dominant theme is as old as Hollywood: America’s divine right to invade other societies, steal their history and occupy our memory. When will directors and writers behave like artists and not pimps for a world view devoted to control and destruction?
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