PNM’s Betrayal

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
May 05, 2016

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeAt some point the People’s National Movement (PNM) will have to decide whether it supports the moneyed interest of the society or the ordinary people whose votes put them in power. Much too often when the interests of the people is at stake, the hierarchy of the party tends to side with moneyed interest at the expense of the people.
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Privacy is our right

Newsday Editorial
Thursday, May 5 2016 –

PNM Senator Faris Al-RawiIT WAS a bright cold day in May, and the clocks were striking 13.

This opening line is a paraphrase of the famous opening line of George Orwell’s novel 1984. It’s fitting, we feel, given what took place in the Senate on Tuesday.

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, without citing specific legal precedent, made a chilling declaration.
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Call for new look at abortion laws

By Geisha Kowlessar
May 05, 2016 –

AbortionAmid increased calls to legalise abortions which have been sanctioned by former health minister Dr Fuad Khan and advisory director of the Family Planning Association Dr Jacqueline Sharpe, Roman Catholic priest Father Clyde Harvey, however, said T&T must build a society where life was respected even in the most difficult of circumstances, including abnormalities.
Continue reading Call for new look at abortion laws

Millions on empty office buildings

Auditor General’s report laid in Parliament

Gail Alexander
Wednesday, May 4 2016 –

One AlexandraSeveral million was paid by various People’s Partnership government ministries in rent for certain unoccupied buildings over 2014 to 2015, including large sums for a St Clair property leased by the past People’s National Movement administration which the PP continued to pay for, according to the Auditor General’s latest report.
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Deal with it, Dr Rowley

Newsday Editorial
Wednesday, May 4 2016 –

MarijuanaRONALD RAMDASS, 50, had been here before. As he stood in the dock of the San Fernando Magistrates Court, he weighed his legal options. The magistrate, Brahmanand Dubay, read out the charge: possession of marijuana. It was a charge with which Ramdass was all too familiar. According to court officials, he had more than 20 convictions for larceny and drug offences.
Continue reading Deal with it, Dr Rowley

All ah we dead

By Raffique Shah
April 29, 2016

Raffique ShahI had planned not to address crime in my columns, to waste valuable newspaper space on an issue that, while it grows grimmer by the day, is seemingly intractable.

When last I tackled it, I admitted to have become inured to the barbarism into which the nation has descended. Decapitation, mutilation, suffocation and now on-the-spot cremation no longer shock me.
Continue reading All ah we dead

Abortion a matter of public interest

Newsday Editorial
Monday, April 25 2016 –

AbortionWHEN things get tough, Governments always turn to the usual scapegoats. The remarks of Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh are a classic case of shooting the messenger.

But this tack damages democracy as much as it undermines the credibility of the Government.
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Dismantle church, state partnership

TTUTA president urges reform

Monday, April 25, 2016 –

BibleThe partnership between the church and the state at our schools must be dismantled as it is detrimental to our country, president of the T&T Unified Teachers’ Association (TTUTA) Devanand Sinanan has said.

Sinanan said the Constitution defines this country as a “secular state” and therefore questioned “why should the state give monies to certain religious bodies to perpetuate their faith?”
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No need for outside help

Experts on Imbert’s IMF, World Bank move

By Shaliza Hassanali
Saturday, April 23, 2016 –

Colm ImbertThere was no need for Minister of Finance Colm Imbert to engage officials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to provide advice on T&T’s fiscal policy.

This was the view yesterday of developmental economist Dr Ralph Henry and former minister in the ministry of finance Mariano Browne, following Imbert’s announcement on Thursday that World Bank officials are in T&T to assist and advise the Government on pressing matters, including a review of expenditure in all key areas.
Continue reading No need for outside help

Battle against be-suited bandits

By Raffique Shah
April 21, 2016

Raffique ShahI find it almost amusing that some grocers who are caught dipping their greedy hands deep inside the inside consumers’ pockets, cry foul when their names and outrageously high prices are exposed through advertisements posted by the Consumer Affairs Division of the Ministry of Trade.

In immediate response to being named as selling certain foodstuff way above the norm in the business, they claim the prices attributed to their establishments were wrong, and they issued “corrected” versions that were between $5 and $10 cheaper-per item.
Continue reading Battle against be-suited bandits