Doctor under investigation for abortion

By Azard Ali
April 18, 2016 –

AbortionA CENTRAL Trinidad doctor is being investigated by police for performing an abortion on a 16-year-old girl. Detectives from the Chaguanas CID said the doctor is facing imminent arrest as Section 56 of the Offences Against the Persons Act, states a person is guilty of an indictable offence if he or she uses an instrument to procure the miscarriage of any woman.
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E-shopping levy not a right click

Newsday Editorial
April 13, 2016 –

Online ShoppingTHE GOVERNMENT is proposing a seven percent levy on online purchases. Shoppers have described the move as unfair, but Minister of Finance Colm Imbert has defended it, saying it would ease foreign exchange pressures, reduce revenue leakage, and divert buyers to local products. But not so. The levy is one tax too many.
Continue reading E-shopping levy not a right click

Descent into imports-dependence

By Raffique Shah
April 05, 2016
Posted: April 10, 2016

Raffique ShahWhat I established last week was that Trinidad and Tobago, like most small island states that were once colonised by imperial powers, relies heavily on imported foods for its sustenance.

All our staples-grains (wheat, rice, maize), dairy products (milk, cheese, butter), sugar, edible oils, white potatoes, beans and pulses-come from abroad, mainly North America, the EU, Australia and New Zealand.
Continue reading Descent into imports-dependence

Grow up, take responsibility

Deyalsingh’s tough message after austere mid-term budget

By Adrian Boodan
Sunday, April 10, 2016 –

Terrence DeyalsinghIt’s time that nationals grow up and take some responsibility for T&T, says Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh.

Deyalsingh was at the time fielding questions from the media when he attended a health and fitness fair hosted by the Couva Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce, on Saturday, at the Chamber’s building at Camden Road.
Continue reading Grow up, take responsibility

Online shoppers: 7% tax unfair

April 10, 2016 –

Online ShoppingThe seven percent levy on online purchases of goods and services scheduled to take effect by September will probably not slow down online shopping simply because local prices are too high.

Some regular online shoppers to overseas retail companies questioned the move by the Government to further tax online shoppers as they already pay a 20 percent duty and Value Added Tax on these items when they arrive in the country.
Continue reading Online shoppers: 7% tax unfair


Office of the Prime Minister orders $2 million vehicle for Rowley’s fleet…

Published on Apr 3, 2016, 12:01 am AST
By Anna Ramdass and Camille Hunte

Prie Minister Dr Keith RowleyA new Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W222) valued at $2 million has been purchased for the official use of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

The Sunday Express understands the vehicle was acquired through local dealer Sterling Services (Battoo Brothers) Ltd and was at the company’s Sackville Street, Port of Spain, garage up to yesterday, being customised for official use.
Continue reading NEW BENZ FOR PM*

Manning knocks MPs hiring relatives

Not worthy of public office

By Rhondor Dowlat
April 01, 2016 –

Patrick ManningFormer prime minister of T&T Patrick Manning believes that politicians who are guilty of hiring relatives at their respective constituency offices are not worthy of public office.

Manning made a statement via his Facebook page on Wednesday night.

He disclosed that in all his 44 years as a Parliamentarian, he has never employed a family member or relative in his constituency office.
Continue reading Manning knocks MPs hiring relatives

Waste worse than corruption

By Raffique Shah
March 25, 2016

Raffique ShahA recent World Bank report ranked Trinidad and Tobago as the country that generates the most “municipal solid waste”, on a per capita basis, in the world.

According to the report, every man, woman and child in this country, on average, every day, generates a mind-boggling 14.4 kilogrammes of garbage:

The world average is 1.2 kilos.
Continue reading Waste worse than corruption