Of sensuality and vulgarity

By Raffique Shah
February 16, 2016

Raffique ShahI wonder if the wide spectrum of persons who have used the words “misogyny” and “misogynic” to describe ex-Port of Spain Mayor Raymond Tim Kee following his asinine statements on the murder of pannist Asami Nagakiya either believe what they are saying, or understand the definitions of the words?

According to the Oxford English dictionary, misogyny means “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women”.
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By Darcel Choy and Sasha Harrinanan
February 16, 2016 – newsday.co.tt

TIM KEE MUST GO!PEOPLE’S National Movement (PNM) Chairman Franklin Khan last night insisted that the party’s Treasurer and Port-of-Spain Mayor Raymond Tim Kee must resign in the wake of his (Tim Kee) contro- versial comments made in the wake of the murder last week of Japanese pannist Asami Nagakiya, who body was found on Ash Wednesday under a tree in the Queen’s Park Savannah. Khan made his position clear speaking also in his capacity as PNM chairman and Urban Development and Local Government Minister. He did so as Tim Kee’s intention to demit office following an emergency meeting of the Corporation did not materialise yesterday.
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Man, mosquito and money

By Raffique Shah
February 02, 2016

Raffique ShahIn this space yesterday, Dr Sherene Kalloo launched a broadside against Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh and his almost jokey war against the Zika virus, pre-empting a column I had already half-written, titled “Man vs Mosquito”.

Dr Kalloo argued that Minister Deyalsingh’s declaration of war against Zika and the Aedes Egypti mosquito by deploying soldiers, as hard-hit Brazil has done, as being a failed strategy.

It has not worked in Brazil and it will not work here.
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PM: Tim Kee did the right thing

Trinidad Guardian
Monday, February 15, 2016 – guardian.co.tt

Prie Minister Dr Keith RowleyPrime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says Port-of-Spain Mayor Raymond Tim Kee did the correct thing in responding to criticism from the national community. He said Tim Kee’s statements following the murder of Japanese pannist Asami Nagakiya were “unacceptable.”
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Mayor Tim Kee Set to Resign

Tim Kee caves in

By Corey Connelly
February 14, 2016 – newsday.co.tt

Raymond Tim KeeBowing to mounting pressure, both at home and abroad, over his recent controversial statements about the death of Japanese national, Asami Nagakiya, Raymond Tim Kee yesterday signalled his intention to resign as Mayor of Portof- Spain.
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Mayor: Beware dangerous ‘sub-cultures’

By Sean Douglas
February 11 2016 – newsday.co.tt

CarnivalPORT-OF-SPAIN Mayor Raymond Tim Kee yesterday called on women, especially tourists visiting for Carnival, to maintain their dignity and protect themselves against dangerous local sub-cultures, as he reacted with shock over the discovery of a mas woman’s body, still clad in bikini and beads, yesterday under a large tree at the Queen’s Park Savannah.
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Brute force in the band

Newsday Editorial
February 11 2016 – newsday.co.tt

CarnivalTHE POLICE must investigate the circumstances surrounding video images which purported to show a man being beaten by the private security guards of a Carnival band. The footage raises deeper questions which have, over the years, been left unresolved in relation to the regulation of private security guards and our national festival. The footage, which circulated on social media on Carnival Monday, shows a band of about a dozen guards from the band Yuma — identified merely by black t-shirts saying “Yuma Extraction” — ganging up on a man, who has been identified as PNM councillor Jason Alexander. The incident appears to have occurred not on private property, but rather in a public street.
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Deliver us from evil

By Raffique Shah
January 27, 2016

Raffique ShahIt occurred to me some hours after I heard the news that gunmen had murdered two Laventille schoolboys that I felt no emotions over the dastardly act.

I was not saddened or consumed with anger. I was not even outraged over the manner in which the youthful victims were grabbed from their ride home, much the way Hitler’s Nazis separated Jews from Gentiles, or how Israelis now separate Palestinians from Jews, marking them for death, executing them right there in public.
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Destiny in our hands

By Raffique Shah
January 27, 2016

Raffique ShahAs a nation, we can do nothing about the plunging price of oil except watch with alarm as crude slides below US $30 a barrel.

Even if we ramp up production, which has fallen by approximately 50 per cent over the past decade, it will make little sense. At this point, it might be better to leave the oil in the wells rather than sell it for peanuts.
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