Defending my non-voting rights…

By Jamille Broome
September 06, 2015 –

Vasant BharathLast week, the Minister of Trade, Industry, Investment and Communications decided to trample on the Constitutional rights of the non-voting section of the electorate, by saying: “I think as we mature as a society, we’ve got to take a more active part, otherwise, you are not in a position to complain subsequently or to demand anything.” Or, in colloquial terms, “vote or hush allyuh damn mouth!” Of course I’m not surprised by Vasant Bharath’s irreverent spiel because his party has been known to disregard the rule-of-law and violate human rights, left, right and centre. Cue Bail (amendment) Act, “Section 34”, and the State of Emergency .
Continue reading Defending my non-voting rights…

Two poisoned chalices?

By Peter O’Connor
September 06, 2015 –

PNM vs UNCImagine that you were very thirsty and in front of you were two glasses, each containing a clear, cool liquid. But you know from bitter experience that one glass contains vinegar and the other has brine. Do you sip from one because you feel that it is less bitter than the other? Or do you alternate, and sometimes sip vinegar and other times try the brine? Or maybe, having been fooled by both, leave them there and keep moving wearily on, hoping to find water elsewhere? But the two poisoned chalices remain there, waiting to fool new thirsty people.
Continue reading Two poisoned chalices?

Why the PNM Will Win the Election

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
September 01, 2015

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeOn March 3, 2014, I predicted “Keith Rowley will emerge victorious during the PNM’s party elections and go on to become the next prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago” (Express). Everything that has transpired since (including his winning PNM party’s election) has persuaded me of the certainty of my prediction. One week before Trinidadians and Tobagonians go to the polls I can confidently assert the PNM will win at least 26 of the 41 constituencies it is contesting.
Continue reading Why the PNM Will Win the Election


Newsday – August 30 2015

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-BissessarThe latest North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) tracking poll finds the 2015 General Election still to be going down to the wire with the outcome in a few marginal seats determining who will be the prime minister.

The poll also found that Kamla Persad-Bissessar has been consistently leading her main challenger, Dr Keith Rowley, in voters’ choice for Prime Minister as well as in approval and favourability (likeability) ratings.
Continue reading NACTA: PP leads PNM

Keith Rowley and the Coercive State

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
August 27, 2015

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeSometimes our public officials act in incredible silly ways that are entirely incomprehensible to the ordinary citizen. Dr. Keith Rowley, the leader of the PNM, is locked in a close fight with the UNC, the governing party, for the leadership of the country. Fifteen days before the election the Integrity Commission (IC) demands that he produces certain documents within that period or face the prospect of prosecution.
Continue reading Keith Rowley and the Coercive State

Gypsy jumps off: “The PM is ungrateful, conniving”

By Kim Boodram
August 26, 2015 –

Winston Gypsy PetersREJECTED by the United National Congress after being screened to be the general election candidate for the Mayaro seat, Winston Gypsy Peters has lashed out at Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, describing her as conniving and ungrateful.

He has resigned the Minister of Community Development, and given up his membership in the UNC.
Continue reading Gypsy jumps off: “The PM is ungrateful, conniving”

Half truths and manifestos

By Raffique Shah
August 25, 2015

Raffique ShahI don’t know that the majority of people in the country are influenced in any way by the manifestos presented by various parties-in our case two, one from the UNC/PP and the other from the PNM.

In fact, I believe few people, likely less than ten percent of the electorate, read these voluminous documents. In my case, I sought the synopses of the presenters because I know they will have highlighted what they saw as the fundamentals of what they would implement if elected, and certainly their most marketable offerings.
Continue reading Half truths and manifestos

Clarify property tax

Newsday Editorial
August 25 2015 –

HouseUNFORTUNATELY all of the barbs being exchanged in relation to the question of a proposed property tax have distracted us from the deeper question: what is the policy of both of the major parties on the imposition of taxes on property assets generally? The property tax was a proposal of the last PNM administration and it would have introduced a brand new regime of taxation which would be tied to the rental and taxable values of property.
Continue reading Clarify property tax

SS Trinidad Sinking

By Raffique Shah
August 19, 2015

Raffique ShahAmidst the din of election campaigning—hundreds of ‘Kamla has a plan’ ads on all television stations during prime time, DJ music systems scouring the country daily, public meetings broadcast nightly on almost every radio and television station, more ads popping up every time you click on the Internet, assaults via phones and emails—I have yet to hear one frontline politician tell the people of this nation of the grim times the country faces if oil and gas prices keep tumbling, as they have done over the past two months.
Continue reading SS Trinidad Sinking

The Laptop Scandal

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
August 18, 2015

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeI was at Maloney on Wednesday evening when Dr. Keith Rowley analyzed the Government’s laptop program. Dr. Rowley did not have to do much work since he read from a document that pointed out the introduction of laptops and the incorporation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in our schools “had no statistically significant impact on student performance.” It also found that staff and student groups registered “a relatively high dissatisfaction with the provision of internet service” and the implementation of the laptop program.
Continue reading The Laptop Scandal