Human rights, equality and diversity

By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe
December 20, 2021

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeDespite its fancy-sounding title, “Human Rights, Equality and Diversity: An Inquiry into the Right to Equal Access to Education with Specific Focus on the Under-performance of Schools in Port of Spain and Environs”, the children in this area (mainly Africans) will be condemned to educational backwaters even as the Ministry of Education (MoE) continues with its anachronistic approach of not-educating our children.
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Do your duty, dammit!

By Raffique Shah
December 20, 2021

Raffique ShahI do not believe there is a common factor that unites people of any particular pigmentation or persuasion across the world, except, perhaps, religious doctrines that are deemed to be the “words of God”, written or revealed by the Almighty Himself, hence not subject to alterations by man.

Those of us who have studied history know only too well that in the name of religion, of spreading the word of God, atrocities were committed, entire civilisations were wiped off the map, and the anointed soldiers of God just moved on to other souls to be saved by swiping heads off bodies, then raiding their treasures.
Continue reading Do your duty, dammit!

We happy and we sad

By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe
December 13, 2021

“God don’t sleep! We want change. The ghetto youth, the old, the young, everybody come out because we want change and if Farley and the PDP do stupidness, we voting them out, too.”

—Lisa Mulcare, Express

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeOn August 2, 2020, prior to the general election in T&T, in a column entitled “Why I support UNC this time around”, I wrote: “Although PNM began as a movement that was cognisant of the needs of the under-class Indians and Africans alike—over the years it has come to take the support of black people for granted. One only has to look at the conditions under which many black people in depressed communities live to recognise that they have not been the recipients of PNM’s loving and tender care.”
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One-half apology to Farley

By Raffique Shah
December 13, 2021

Raffique ShahOkay, I am prepared to give the new governor of Tobago one-half an apology for writing last week that he is a fool. “Be nice to the young man, nah… he trying to put together an energetic team to first salvage, then turn around the island’s economy…”

I gather as much, I responded, listening to him speak… But you and I know talk is cheap and promises even cheaper… until we see hard evidence of his performance, I shall stick with the half-apology.
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Grounds for the Resignation of PM Rowley

By Stephen Kangal, Caroni
December 12, 2021

Stephen KangalThe landslide vote of 15,000 plus in the 14-1 melt-down that the PDP amassed in Monday’s historic THA Elections is an unmistakably overriding vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Rowley.

He was the chief protagonist in the Tobago campaign as well as the architect of the aborted Autonomy Bills that incited the wrath of Tobagonians by non-passage. These Bills were woefully short in details on what Tobago demanded as autonomy for their island Government.
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The Farley factor

By Paolo Kernahan
December 09, 2021 –

Farley AugustineTHE PNM’S rout at the hands of the fledgling People’s Democratic Patriots (PDP) in Monday’s THA elections came as quite a shock to many. The incumbent went from a six-six tie in the January poll to a 14-one annihilation.

On paper, this shouldn’t have happened. The THA was under the thrall of the PNM for more than two decades. The party prosecuted a blitzkrieg advertising campaign affording it near-ubiquity across the media. The Prime Minister is Tobagonian and freely lent his incandescent fear and fervour to the campaign.
Continue reading The Farley factor

Let’s talk Sex and Relationships

Sex and RelationshipsHow has society shaped our ideas of sex, sexuality and relationships?

In the run-up to the first in our series of discussions on Sex, Sexuality and Relationships on Friday the 10th December, we are encouraging you to use this forum to frankly share your experiences around sex, sexuality and relationships — your ideas, your fantasies, lessons you have learnt, things you have struggled with, things that make you feel good, or not so good. Names can be changed to protect your identity.
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Tobago goes green, historic win for PDP

By Gail Alexander
December 07, 2021 –

PDPA new day—Tobago has gone green.

A majority of Tobagonians opted for change yesterday when they elected the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) headed by Watson Duke and Farley Augustine to run their Tobago House of Assembly affairs until 2025.

Preliminary results indicated a PDP milestone with a majority of Tobago’s 15 seats – breaking People’s National Movement’s 21-year management of the THA.
Continue reading Tobago goes green, historic win for PDP

Brian Manning, wife contract COVID-19

By Yvonne Webb
December 06, 2021 –

Brian Manning and his wife, Shelly DassSan Fernando East MP Brian Manning and his wife, Shelly Dass, have both contracted the covid19 virus.

Reports indicate that Manning, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, is receiving care at the High Dependency Unit (HDU) of the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility.
Continue reading Brian Manning, wife contract COVID-19

Working together

By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe
December 06, 2021

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeTrinidad and Tobago is a small society. It consists of about 1.4 million souls in a world of 7.9 billion people. A pandemic has struck the world.

At the time of writing, there were 263,510,704 cases and 5,224,655 deaths as a result of this pandemic. In the United States, there were 48,144,799 cases and 777,090 deaths; in India, 34,606,541 cases and 470,115 deaths; in Brazil, 22,105,872 cases and 614,964 deaths.
Continue reading Working together