PNM Patrick Manning, UNC-A Basdeo Panday and COP Winston Dookeran
Trinidad and Tobago General Elections 2007:
Preliminary 2007 Election Results
Victorious Candidates and Constituencies
PNM romps home
With the lion’s share of the marginal seats in its back pocket, the People’s National Movement led by leader Patrick Manning handed the United National Congress Alliance (UNC A) and the Congress of the People (COP) a stinging defeat in yesterday’s general election, walking away with 26 out of a total of 41 seats.
PNM 26 UNC 15 COP 0
Trinidad and Tobago yesterday voted to “step up” with Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the People’s National Movement.
Manning to supporters: Put aside differences
Coffee Street was transformed into a Carnival-like atmosphere last night as the People’s National Movement won the two San Fernando seats and the general election…
PNM back in Govt
Heading to Government for another term, the People’s National Movement (PNM) completed yesterday’s general election race with preliminary results of 26 seats over the United National Congress’ (UNC-A) 15 seats…
The total registered electorate was 990,352.
EBC estimates put yesterday’s voter turn-out at around 53 per cent. This was at midnight, when boxes of ballots were still coming in.
The voter turnout in the 2002 election was approximately 69 per cent.
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