We wonder what impression the Caribbean Parliamentary visitors must have had on Friday of Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s display of religious fervour — some would even say religious rage at what he perceives as persecution of himself and of the Full Gospel churches in Trinidad and Tobago? Continue reading PM does not get it→
THE tide of events often disrupts the best laid plans of columnists. I promised readers last week that I would today conclude my take on a ‘dying Carnival’. I wanted to share my thoughts on the few remaining bright sparks in the festival-the effervescent young pannists, calypsonians Kurt Allen, Brian London and Kizzie Ruiz, and dedicated cultural activists who refuse to allow our Carnival to descend into the abyss of nothingness. Continue reading Ghosts in Panday’s political afterlife→
PNM salutes Bas in House
Former Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday yesterday defied the order of UNC chief whip Jack Warner and stuck to his word to occupy a backbench seat in the Parliament yesterday.
Religious Persecution
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning yesterday said a church being built at the Heights of Guanapo is above board, as he accused his detractors of “religious persecution” of him and the Full Gospel faith.
By Ralph Banwarie and Rhondor Dowlat
February 26, 2010 – newsday.co.tt
TWO WELL-KNOWN Arimians — parang icon Holly Betaudier, 85, and retired teacher and nutritionist Louis Horne — have taken Local Government Minister Hazel Manning to task for describing the borough as being “just bush” 56 years ago.
“It is a pity that the person (Mrs Manning) had to say something like that. If Arima was only bush, 56 years ago, I would never have gone to Edinburgh University in London. Arima was not bush then. Arima made me who I am today. That person really does not know what she is talking about,” Horne stated. Continue reading Arimians walk out on Hazel Manning→
One step to govt
She gave an address to supporters and reporters moments after being given her instrument of appointment at President’s House, St Ann’s by President George Maxwell Richards who called it “a most historic occasion”.
WE were most disappointed at Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s silence over the controversial church that Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner alleged is being built by the Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) in the Heights of Guanapo.
Last Friday in the House of Representatives, Warner made his startling claim which raises crucial questions over the alleged use of public resources for a private venture. He held up a photograph of the construction site, which is reportedly manned by Chinese labourers. Continue reading Mystery Church→
Heavily-armed gunmen stormed a house in Gonzales, early yesterday morning and executed four family members, as they lay sleeping. Among them were three siblings.
CARNIVAL Friday night and I am driving to Port of Spain, my mind working like a Pentium computer chip. Which route do I choose to reach St James, my regular liming spot? Over the years I have learned that bumper-to-bumper traffic, not to add a virtual sea of early-bird revellers, transforms the city into a motorist’s nightmare. So once one decides to enter the epicentre of Carnival activities, one needs to plan one’s route with a GPS-mind. Continue reading Carnival: one foot in the grave→
Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday declared she has secured the support of the majority of the 15 Opposition MPs she requires to replace Couva North MP Basdeo Panday as opposition leader.
Persad-Bissessar, who was elected as the United National Congress’ (UNC) political leader in the party’s January 24 internal elections, made her declaration shortly after Caroni East MP Dr Tim Gopeesingh announced his support for her as opposition leader yesterday morning. Continue reading Tim makes eight…Panday disappointed→