Let the battle begin
THE BATTLE for political control of this country begins in earnest at seven o’clock tonight when the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) led by Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, launch their party’s respective general election campaign.
Continue reading Election time again
Daily Archives: April 12, 2010
Hart back in T&T
Former UDeCOTT chairman flies in
Former UDeCOTT executive chairman Calder Hart was asked to return to Trinidad and Tobago by the State to answer questions related to his testimony during the Uff Commission of Enquiry.
Hart plays ‘peekaboo’ in Cascade with media
Former Urban Development Corporation of T&T (Udecott) executive chairman, Calder Hart, peeped out at members of the media through the sliding glass doors of his front porch at his Cascade home around 1 pm yesterday.
Calder Hart is ‘hanging tough’
FORMER executive chairman of the Urban Development Corporation (Udecott) Calder Hart has been described by Udecott’s former deputy chairman Dr Krishna Bahadoorsingh as “hanging tough” in the face of adversity.
Continue reading Hart back in T&T