As an Indo-Trinidadian, I was amazed to hear Mr. Manning speaking ill of the African dashiki on his platform almost a week ago (“Kamla surrounded by strong, dangerous men, says Manning” – Express, April 23). To hear an esteemed Afro-Trinidadian belittling a garment that is culturally identified with my African brothers and sisters is parallel to Mr. Panday admonishing me for consuming doubles. It is a new depth when we as a people are so bent on denigrating other races and ethnicities that we mistakenly miss the boat and begin to attack our very own as Mr. Manning, without thinking has done.
Continue reading ‘Dashiki’ Silence Disappointing
Daily Archives: April 28, 2010
Prime Minister Manning Says No Debate
Kamla: I’m ready Manning: Nothing to gain
By Cecily Asson and Invera Arjoon
Wednesday, April 28 2010
WHILE UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night said she is willing to take part in a live national debate with Prime Minister Patrick Manning in the run up to the May 24 general election, Manning, who is the PNM’s political leader, was reluctant to participate.
Continue reading Prime Minister Manning Says No Debate