By Lara Pickford-Gordon
June 21, 2010 –
I think it was Trade and Industry Minister Stephen Cadiz who described the persons illegally squatting on land at Cashew Gardens, Longdenville as behaving as if it was the wild, wild west when they rushed and staked a claim to land. Continue reading Squatting Dilemma Exposed→
Investigators may have to extradite former executive chairman of the Urban Development Corporation of T&T (Udecott) John Calder Hart, as he has moved to block criminal charges by severing all ties from this jurisdiction. The shocking new twist comes on the heels of the whopping $3,400,000 million selling price tag on Hart’s sprawling mansion at #No 6 De Lima Road, Second Avenue, Cascade. A deed dated May 20, prepared by attorney Mark Laquis of Pollonais, Blanc, de la Bastide & Jacelon of Pembroke Street, Port-of-Spain was delivered anonymously to the Trinidad Guardian Head Office on Friday evening, in an unmarked envelope. Continue reading Calder Hart’s Castle for Sale→
MY mother takes a seat in the limited space available in court. It is early June, 1970, and the preliminary inquiry into the charge of treason gets underway. She looks at her 24-year-old son sitting in the dock alongside 60-odd soldiers. A stern-looking Magistrate Roopchandsingh sits on the Bench, and Attorney General Karl Hudson-Phillips leads a formidable, impressive-looking prosecution team. Like other parents and families of the accused, she is nervous, worried. Continue reading ‘Desi’ Allum: patriarch and patriot→
AG to advise Govt on TTEC
Attorney General Anand Ramlogan will report to Cabinet in two weeks and recommend what “further action” should be taken on the findings of a report on breaches in tendering procedures by the TT Electricity Commission (TTEC) in relation to jobs under the Street Lighting Implementation Unit, which implemented the street lighting programme (SLP). Continue reading Corruption at T&TEC→
This is the second instalment of my attempt to address the oft-asked question as to why people, especially (mainly) men “cheat” or seem unable to “commit” to our spouses/partners. The short answer is of course because we can; we made the rules – for us – and because there is very little about monogamy that is natural or moral anyway. The longer version of this answer – the one I hope people read – should hopefully shed some light on the complexities of human sexuality and the diverse streams that went into the moral ideas we hold today. Continue reading The Myth of Exclusive Monogamous Morality (Part II)→
Before the elections it was all about peace, love and togetherness. Speaking at Aranguez on May 22 Kamla Persad-Bissesar intoned “As we reach the end of this campaign, I want to thank everyone in and out of Trinidad and Tobago who has contributed to our efforts…Your efforts have been historic because, for the first time in our nation’s history, you have put aside the divisions of our past in order to reach across and unite for a better future and a better way.” Continue reading Peace and Love→
By Bukka Rennie – April 2010
Posted: June 14, 2010 –
This piece was first written in August, 1996 in an attempt to place on an objective basis the debate within the PNM. The aim was to have the country debate the issues, the POLITICS, before the PNM leadership election in October 1996. To facilitate this, the article was e-mailed to Lennox Grant, then Express newspaper Editor, and to Sunity Maharaj, then Editor of the Independent, but neither carried the article. Continue reading Re-Brand the PNM!→