THE EDITOR: Many Africans, especially those who have traditionally supported the PNM, are concerned about a possible racist, Indian backlash from this People’s Partnership government. In examining these concerns we also have to understand the difference in the dynamics of racial politics today. We have to examine the significance of Jack Warner as chairman of the UNC (an Indian-based political party) and Cabinet minister in the People’s Partnership government. We also have to look at the shortcomings of the PNM as it pertains to race relations.
Continue reading The Indo-Afro Political Dynamic
Monthly Archives: June 2010
Let the chips fall where they may
By Raffique Shah
Sunday, June 13th 2010
REVELATIONS about the controversial cathedral-of-a-church being constructed at Guanapo suggest that ex-prime minister Patrick Manning may have been more involved in the project than he suggested when the issue was first made public. The new People’s Partnership Government has commissioned investigations into the project. Should our worst fears come to pass, though, it would be ironical that religious fervour, seen by many as the road to salvation, would instead turn into the seed of destruction for Mr Manning.
Continue reading Let the chips fall where they may
Ish and Steve refused bail again
UPDATE: JULY 16, 2010
Sir Ellis: Inconsistency in extradition attempts
In the matter referenced above (The United States of America vs Steve Ferguson and Ishwar Galbaransingh), my advice is sought on the merits of representations submitted to the Attorney General on the 21st of June, 2010 on behalf of Steve Ferguson and Ishwar Galbaransingh…
Continue reading Ish and Steve refused bail again
Indian (Hindu) Time Ah Come
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
June 10, 2010
The victory of the People’s Partnership (PP) with the assistance of African people, has changed the face of Trinidad and Tobago’s politics. In spite of its rhetoric, 2010 may prove to be a pivotal year in the relationship between Africans and East Indians. In years to come it may be seen as the year in which Indian ascendancy consolidated itself and the decline of Africans commenced. One only has to look at Sat Maharaj’s new prominence to understand where much of PP’s power lies and why his function, in many ways, may be analogous to that of the Priestess in the last administration.
Continue reading Indian (Hindu) Time Ah Come
Unsatisfactory Digicel Service
THE EDITOR: I wish to advise you of the poor and unsatisfactory service that I have been experiencing with Digicel Limited. I am a post-paid customer with the Blackberry unlimited internet service. Since Wednesday 2nd June, I have not been able to access the internet service on my mobile device.
Continue reading Unsatisfactory Digicel Service
NAPA auditorium to be named after Lord Kitchener
Thursday, June 10 2010
The auditorium of the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) will be named the Lord Kitchener’s Calypso Auditorium.
This was announced yesterday by Minister of Arts and Multiculturism, Winston Peters as he conducted a tour of NAPA.
Continue reading NAPA auditorium to be named after Lord Kitchener
Kamla Not at Caricom Talks with Clinton
Kamla tells why she decided not to meet Clinton at Caricom talks
By Anna Ramdass
June 9th 2010 –
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has blanked today’s Caricom meeting with United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in Barbados because she felt it would be an insult to the people who elected her to travel without taking the parliamentary oath.
Continue reading Kamla Not at Caricom Talks with Clinton
Govt will restore President’s House
Wednesday, June 9 2010
THE People’s Partnership will restore President’s House in St Ann’s to its former glory. This was the assurance given by Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport, Rudy Indarsingh.
Continue reading Govt will restore President’s House
Warner FIFA’s Connections Beneficial to T&T
By Stephen Kangal
June 07, 2010
Do not mess with this sophisticated and unsuspecting T&T electorate. They will quickly appreciate that Opposition Leader Keith Rowley is using as a cheap political strategy the stirring up of trivialities on Mr. Warner’s FIFA connections geared exclusively to kick-start and feather his own dwindling, discredited and deteriorating political nest. His next volley against super-Mom Kamla’s PP Government will be a racism charge.
Continue reading Warner FIFA’s Connections Beneficial to T&T
PM means Prime Minister
Architect Stephen Mendes confirms Patrick Manning’s involvement in Guanapo church
By Sasha Mohammed
Sunday, June 6th 2010
Architect Stephen Mendes, the man who has held the key as to whether former prime minister Patrick Manning was personally involved in the commissioning of the controversial Guanapo church project, has finally broken his silence on the matter, confirming the ‘PM’ he wrote about in a letter dated May 2, 2006, in fact, referred to Prime Minister Patrick Manning.
Continue reading PM means Prime Minister