The Preliminary Results of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections

Posted on August 12, 2020
by Communications Manager
Elections & Boundaries Commission –

PNM Won the Popular VoteWith an electorate of 1,134, 135 in the forty-one electoral districts in Trinidad and Tobago, 658,297 votes were polled, giving rise to a voter turnout of 58.04%.

These are the official Preliminary Results of the 2020 Parliamentary Election.

Click here for “The Preliminary Results of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections” (pdf)

There were official requests for recounts by the People’s Democratic Patriots and the United National Congress. The electoral districts where recounts were requested are:
Continue reading The Preliminary Results of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections

‘These PNM cockroaches keep populating’; Ramsaran’s racist rant

By Letters to the Editor
August 09, 2020 –

PeopleNaila Ramsaran: ‘Let us the hardworking UNC supporters continue to pay taxes and mind the loafers that support the PNM… I hope [Prime Minister Dr Keith] Rowley starts putting contraceptives in their water supply yes because these cockroaches keep populating and the only thing they know to do is vote…’
Continue reading ‘These PNM cockroaches keep populating’; Ramsaran’s racist rant

Keep Feeding Contempt; or imagine a better world for the ‘small man’

By Corey Gilkes
August 09, 2020 –

PeopleInteresting how fried chicken could bring to light so much issues that explain what’s wrong with our society. One chicken drumstick is all it takes to expose certain realities, all of which are integrated, interlocked and in some aspects, results of deliberate actions.
Continue reading Keep Feeding Contempt; or imagine a better world for the ‘small man’