That is disrespectful to the people of Chaguanas.
The Citizens for Social Justice (CSJ) and the Cunupia Farmers Association (CFA) must be commended for revamping the pre-arranged format of that meeting. They drew to the attention of TRINITRAIN officials that at that first public interface the TOR was being violated since the requisite public/media notices to the general public who stand to be affected, to attend were not issued.
It was disclosed that the RR would be funded by a US$3bn loan from the French government to pay for French railway technology/construction to the three French Companies that make up the TRINITRAIN Consortium.
The Central-based CSJ and CFA made an excellent forensic analysis and assault on the RR at this public engagement and objected to it on the following major grounds:
- Government’s priorities are skewed since while the population is suffering from lack of water, health care, roads, drainage and other basic necessities it is prepared to spend over $20bn in an elephantine monstrosity with a French consortium whose reputation is suspect;
- It will be another blow to national food security and sovereignty when large productive farms are appropriated by the State;
- More than 500 homes will be demolished in their areas;
- The Coradia double-decker model of heavy train commuting at 100 mph is unsuitable for Trinidad and does not make good economic, social, commercial, political and transportation sense;
- The RR will lead to the regressive demise of the existing Chaguanas Business District. The old TGR Chaguanas Station was the fillip for growth here;
- The lack of availability of the requisite feasibility study on the proposed RR mass transit system is essential both for proper property valuation/acquisition and giving a cost-benefit analysis to tax-payers;
- Ancillary expenses such property acquisition costs, relocation of utilities, re-alignment of the CRH northwards, cost-overruns etc will send the capital expenditure to TT$27bn;
The CSJ will be seeking an injunction from the Environmental Commission to stop the current public consultations because of several violations of the TOR issued by the EMA.
Go Trinidad Go !!!!!! State of the Art System. Hope when all is said and Done, the People maintain and keep it up to the cost for Constructing it. Remember the Bush Fire Code “Years To Grow and Minutes to Go”
When them Politicians them resign- re-employ them to clean and maintain the Rail and Tracks !!!!!!!!
FOR REAL—– Some of these Jokers need manual labor. To much Talking.
Ahh ha! Now if the CSJ and CFA were as concerned as the writer alluded , then they would have done everything feasible years ago to run this corrupt , neo – colonial ,dinosauric, political leader, the Opposition has been saddled with for too long ,out of office into permanent retirement,correct?
It is obvious that he has clearly shown more interest in pushing narrow nepotism , and culturally skewed divisiveness ,as an agenda.
Sensible leaders , and -in this case -the Opposition party or PM in waiting ,would instead choose to hold our respective government’s hands to the symbolic fire , and simultaneously bring to the fore as an alternative for the voting public , broad base, non tribal , more progressive , unselfish , socio – economic policies, instead of doing everything feasible to ensure his own family , close pals ,and numerous ardent fans ,forever feed like proverbial hungry pigs at the national trough, while still crying loudly like frustrated hyaenas about alleged discrimination , phantom social abuses and neglect.
Hopefully, Queen Kamela the new driver ,would ensure that both royal upstarts daughter , and brother, never get elevated to position of prominence beyond lowly , insignificant MPs ,as the thought of this type of politics getting a chance to further flourish amongst members of the general population , is too ghastly to even contemplate.
Hopefully I did not offend the sensibilities of any one , as I have a moral obligation , which I take quite seriously , as the unwelcome voice of reason,unpaid political advisor , to shine a light into the dark recesses, that subjective elites , of the complicit 4th Estate, choose to ignore.
I wish the desperate , neglected ,masses well.