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"Saddam Hussein is a guy who came to power through a CIA instigated coup," writes political analyst Al Martin in his column "Saddam, Watch Out for that Soap" published on Al Martin Raw: Political, Economic and Financial Intelligence (www.almartinraw.com)
Author of "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," Martin, comparing former Panamanian strongman Antonio Noriega with Saddam Hussein, Martin writes, "And don't imagine for one minute what Noriega thought that all the documentation, all the tapes, and all the photos that he had of his meetings with George Bush, Bill Casey and Oliver North, in which North is complaining about Noriega asking for a per kilogram cocaine increase in his kickback money of CIA coke that's moving through Panama, which Noriega had recorded at the Intercontinental Hotel in Panama City, when North was there in that infamous meeting of December 10, 1985 (See "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider" by Al Martin for the details.)
"Noriega thought there's no way they can come after me. Noriega wasn't stupid - but, hey, they did," writes Martin. "And nobody ever got to hear that tape. The New York Times and Washington Post never published a transcript of that tape either."
"The truth is that we should all be reminded what George Bush Sr. used to say about Noriega, 'He may be a right wing butcher, but he's OUR right wing butcher.' The same could be said about Saddam Hussein. Saddam is our right-wing butcher," writes Martin. "We have always supported him. We have kept him in power. He has always done our bidding - and this is particularly true during the Reagan-Bush Regime. When he was asked in 1985 to get Iraq involved in the Iranian situation and to go to war with Iran in 1986 in order to help divert and contain Iranian expansionism, he did it. He was a dutiful Bushonian soldier."
"When the BBC announced that Saddam Hussein had used biological weapons on his own people in 1988 (the Kurdish incident when 5000 people were killed in one hour), those were after all American biological weapons that he used. And the Bush administration was scared witless about that."
"When almost the entire rest of the world demanded that the Hague indict him, it was the Bush I administration that intervened and pressured the Hague not to indict him."
"Then in 1989 when the so-called Iraq Gate scandal began to break open, there were Congressional hearings about Bushonian mischief making with Saddam Hussein. But who remembers that now? Many senior Reagan-Bush people were inculpated in a scheme to illegally transfer non-conventional American weapons systems to Saddam."
"When Senator Christopher Dodd's committee attempted to subpoena Saddam Hussein, that subpoena was the only subpoena issued by the Iraq Gate investigating committee that was blocked by the Bush Regime. He was told to keep himself scarce and Saddam kept himself scarce when the Democratically controlled committee was investigating Bushonian involvement in the illicit transfer on non-conventional weapons systems to Iraq. That was when Saddam suddenly went on this holiday someplace in the Caspian Sea."
Al Martin's reference to "Saddam, Watch Out for That Soap" comes from the fact that Enemies of Bush have often died very "conveniently" at very "convenient" times.
"It should also be remembered how CIA doper George Morales supposedly slipped on a bar of soap in prison and was killed when his head hit the floor," Martin reminds his readers. "That was one day before he was due to be released -- when he was going to Washington to testify before the Kerry Committee hearing."
"So Saddam -- remember what happened to the other right wing dictators."
For the rest of the story, you are invited to subscribe to Al Martin news & commentary website's exclusive coverage. Click here for more information Saddam, Watch Out For That Soap
For more background on former Bush Cabal insider Al Martin, author of "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," click here Doublecrossed: Black Ops, Beltway Bandits and the US Shadow Government
Al Martin's weekly column "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway" is published online at Al Martin Raw. To find out more about the site, click here -- Al Martin Raw: Political, Economic and Financial Intelligence
AL MARTIN is America's foremost expert on corporate and government fraud. A relentless whistleblower, he has written a book called, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," which chronicles his adventures with the Bush Cabal (National Liberty Press, Order Line: 866-317-1390). This detailed account of criminal government operations, namely State-sanctioned fraud, drug trafficking and illicit weapons sales, is unprecedented in publishing history. Al Martin is also well known for his great charm and profound insights into world events, and he is frequently interviewed on many talk radio shows across the nation. His weekly column "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway" is published regularly online at Al Martin Raw, (http://www.almartinraw.com).
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