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It would seem as if my fellow nationals in the wonderful country call Trinidad and Tobago are awaiting another political savior to pull them out of the social quagmire they are presently subjected to. It is sad indeed for Manning and his several minions are obviously lost when it comes to fresh, authentic, practical -and most importantly- doable political and economic ideas, that are beneficial to all our citizens collectively. Likewise the party of hate in the UNC - led by Basdeo and his three current sidekicks Ramesh Marahaj his legal defender, brother Subhas Panday his confidant ,and Jack Warner his financial guru will get us no where further with their penchant for divisive and sectarian politics. The UNC unfortunately reminds one of a petulant brat of a child from a rich greedy couple that wants to play a game with poor kids of some Third world country that his or her parents now decides to exploit to bolster their vast fortunes. This kid would confiscate all his toys and suddenly end the game, if unable to figure out a way to be in charge so as to dictate every outcome. As such they remain isolated and angry as well as sink further into malaise and dysfunction. This I call unfortunate, for one can be sympathetic to the plight of a lonely child that is attempting to find its way in a world that is “nasty, brutish, and short,” but not big men and women that claims to be educated, and caring for a country that gave them all, and expect some semblance of a return on investment. How unfortunate for a group that took a sacred oath to serve it’s people equally irregardless of creed and race, yet fails repeatedly in thoughts, words deeds and action- and believe that they are skillful enough to flip the scrip and make it look that others are the real perpetrations of this ghastly immoral act.
So where does that leave us? The last time I checked Eric William was not returning anytime soon, and his Yankee loving daughter Erica never cared about education, or Trinidad and all of its convoluted politics. She prefers instead to come home once a year to speak at some obscure UWI memorial dinner and pontificate about how great and caring the old father of the nation was, even if he slept for most of his years on his proverbial semi-dictatorial throne as Kamal Mohammed, Errol Mahabir, and John O’Halloran build up their fiefdoms with the nations wealth, at the poor citizens expense. Regionally, Barbados Grantly Adams had his British stooge of a son Tom Adams that helped Europeans solidify their powers in that country at the expense of local citizens just for a few more menial tourist dollars to bolster the country’s fledging economy. Jamaica’s Norman Manley had his socialist London School of Economics educated son Michael that rode the backs of local trade unions and poor Jamaicans, that nearly allowed his country to degenerate to the Stone Age via CIA’s covert/ overt attacks, because of his foolhardy obsessions with Castro and this stupid ideology that big brother America wanted no part of in their region beyond Cuba. As for Guyana, thank God the Burnham’s kids have no interest in politics, because if the father was such a lunatic, imagine what concoction he created as siblings. That left Guyana with Jagdeo the adopted son of ultra Marxist Chedi and his Caucasian Yankee wife Janet Jagan. I guess he is doing a ‘commendable job,’ but just make sure and do not enquire about the veracity of that obviously absurd statement from the thousands of Guyanese of all races that cannot wait to escape by swimming up the Berbice river to catch the next departing boat or plane on its way to wonderful Trinidad or America. You know that your country is in problems when the people are reminiscing about the good old days of phony Forbes Burnham the pseudo African prince when the dollar was $300:00 US to one Guyana dollar. Can one imagine what Guyana or the Caribbean might be today if this idiot did not murder one of the greatest minds we were privileged to know in Walter Rodney? Guess what two Marxist out of three in Guyana was not too bad since independence.
It is for this reason that I am keeping an eye on cousin Mickela Panday. I see hope and potential in the young, bright and articulate young woman. The only problem is that cousin Mickela must be prepared to listen to me – the ultimate political animal with his ear to the ground and always in tune with the subtleties of Trinbago and wider ‘global village’ politics. First course of action is to reverse the fortunes of national politics for the UNC by staging a party coup. It is time for the dad to be told to take a rest. His time has pass .Let him know that we as a nation understands and love him even with all his eccentricities and foibles , but it is time to go as his ideas are long past their prime just as John Mc Cain’s in the USA, or the old bumbling tyrannical idiot Robert Mugabe in desperate Zimbabwe.
Tell dad that the nation respects his long service to his community as well as the country , and it is for this reason that he needs not worry about doing jail time for the corruption evils he exhibited while in political power. Remind him that Trinidad and Tobago is a forgiving nation and won’t set a precedent for convicting him as the first Prime Minister in the entire British Commonwealth for stealing while serving in such an austere position. The Yankees took care of Richard Nixon, the South Koreans have done similar acts for some of their dangerously corrupt leaders, and we too would do the right thing – with the evidence for the case. Just tell him no post trial news conference about vindication and justice like his friend our recent former crooked Chief Justice. He can justifiably retire, or else Mickela it is time to do your thing.
When that is done, perform a purge of the entire party of all old school and antiquated advisors which include the three side kick .If you need a guide as to how this is done you can get the Patrick Manning play book, as Hugh Francis,Dr. Cuthbert Joseph,Overand Padmore ,Wendell Mottley ,John Donaldson ,Dr.Basil Ince , Muriel Donnawa- Mc Davidson, and other female members of the then famous ‘fat ass brigade,’ never recovered politically after the UWI geologist finished destroying their respective careers via his now famous purge and transfers of similar party hacks and stalwarts to Eric styled exiles soon after assuming party power. Do not be fooled by the smiling sidekick trio. Uncle would eat you up like a starving barracuda in a heart beat once his big brother Bas disappears from power, for playing second fiddle to Bas for decades was secretly disconcerting for him I am sure. As for Ramesh, there is something very evil and disingenuous about that man that reminds most across the nation of a vicious Sangre Grande Boa Constrictor snake – if you catch my drift. You’ll always have to sleep in your 12 room Oropouche West mansion with one eye open once this character is around. Doubt me, then ask one of his sacred 90's clients Abu Backer of Muslimine fame. What can I say about Jack the fast talking FIFA millionaire/ com politician? Would you trust that financial bandit with the Ministry of Finance , even with all of his brilliance ?Well, if your answer is yes , then perhaps you should leave politics alone and instead try to defend Chaguanas and Oropouche crooks and bandits for a living from henceforth, as you settle down and make five or more kids just like dad. Our country needs serious people, and my time is precious, and last I hear heard Manning playful son was finally about to graduate and King Gypsy’s son was about to finish his stay in Jail. Who knows one of them might need some advice about how to win power and influence people like their both dads.
Secondly you have to expand your political base beyond Central, with it sugar and rice paddies. Set up bases all over the country. Encourage civil societies, as they are the real catalyst for changes. Doubt me? Pay attention to Barrack O in his early South side of Chicago forays. You are young, use the internet and the various organs of the media to reach young people in the ex generation category. You are female, push socially conscious issues that affect them like jobs, empowerment opportunities aka micro credits, equality ventures etc. You are beautiful; don’t be afraid to exploit that via the entertainment industry perhaps find a prince from amongst that circle. Break tradition, and send a powerful message that none of that stupid backward arrange foolishness work for you- look where it got Benezia Butto. You are educated, start useful dialogues with various local and foreign intellectuals. Have publicly debated, honest discussions and studies on critical issues such as race, crimes, jobs, upward mobility in public and private industries, educational needs , and transparent joint collaborations with useful global economic and political partners .
These are not going to be easy tasks, but you can always count on me – aka ‘de political animal /voice of reason,’ to guide you where necessary. You might not be aware that there are thousands of us out here that want to play a role in the onward and sustainable development of our country. We are aware of the many differences amongst us in terms of race, ethnicity, and economics amongst us, but see this as a plus as opposed to a negative so long as we put country first. Many of us are happy for the expanding information highway, and want to make it more accessible for John, Dick and Bridgelal from Barackpore to Caranege and beyond so they can also gain from broad ranging ideas aimed at uplifting our country. The ball is in your court cousin Mick and fortunately this won’t be like one of these nonsensical Asian female political experimental failures experienced by the likes of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Philippines where women are elected because the ex colonial nations are obsess with getting their own pseudo monarchs because they were enamored with the fathers of the female political siblings. Bas would not be a beneficiary of that, as he is only loved by half the nation. Your job is simple, bridge the national divide and ensure that our entire country develop a healthy respect, love and appreciation for you. Our country is in desperate need for vibrate, innovative leaders. The fundamental question is do you have what it takes to stand up and be counted and so make a difference? If a half black and educated child of an African immigrant and a Midwest white American female can change history in racially and economically divided America ,think of the possibilities for Trinidad and Tobago with quarter of their problems . Get moving dear cousin I say, “Yes you can.” For the record in closing we are cousins, if Kaisonian Nelson is to be believe that “all aw we ah one family.’ See, we are already making progress as Kaisonian status will be finally elevated in our country, as well as acknowledgement of our common interrelations. Hmmmm?
Stay strong,for womens rights are a delicate issue in your neck of the woods.
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