On being relevant

By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe
October 01, 2024

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeOn Republic Day, letter writer Nigel Seenathsingh scolded me for “attacking” his leaders.

On that same day the Express published a full-page story about a PNM senator in a domestic violence matter.

The Express editorialised the following day: “Given the lead story in yesterday’s Express about a protection order placed by the court against Government Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing, and not pronouncing on either innocence or guilt, it is assumed that domestic violence against both men and women will be a part of the discussion” at the AG’s consultation on domestic violence.
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Rowley’s ‘sexy’ agriculture

By Raffique Shah
October 01, 2024

Raffique ShahSome day last week, several of my one-time associates and long-time friends managed to breach the hurdles TSTT has implanted on my ancient landline to isolate me from what passes for civilisation today. They called to ask if I heard Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley crowing like a “fowl-cock” when he rolled out a new programme his Government was about to embark on, one tag-line proclaiming: “Making agriculture sexy!”
Continue reading Rowley’s ‘sexy’ agriculture