Tag Archives: Politics

Before Vernella’s vile bile

By Keith Subero
April 14, 2015 – trinidadexpress.com

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Vernella Alleyne-ToppinYes, Minister Vernella Alleyne-Toppin’s contribution in the House caused the UNC Government’s no-confidence motion against the Opposition Leader to implode—rather than explode, as planned.

Yes, Minister Alleyne-Toppin offended our collective sensibilities, and we remain offended, probably more so because the Speaker allowed the House to be reduced to the Minister’s barrackyard gossip.

Yes, other political minutiae—such as the recent Express poll which rates the Prime Minister, in spite of her Government’s daily mis-steps, as being more popular than the Opposition Leader—are now occupying our attention.
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Bulwarks of democracy

By Raffique Shah
April 12, 2015

Raffique ShahCollectively, the so-called trolls on social media may be a pain in the rear for bona fide journalists and columnists in the mainstream media, operating as they do behind anonymity and bound by no rules of engagement or laws of libel and slander, while we have so many strictures, from word-count to sanitised lyrics, we write under the gun, in a manner of speaking.

And yes, it hurts when these mindless cowards spew their venom, delving into journalists’ private lives, distorting facts, promoting fiction and wallowing in half-truths. The current crop seems to have taken a fancy to attacking female writers, probably believing that they would drive their victims to tears, or worse, into depression.
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Citizens have risen above politicians

Express Editorial
April 03, 2015 – trinidadexpress.com

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Vernella Alleyne-ToppinFor reasons best known to itself, the ruling People’s Partnership has continued to defend its disgraced MP Vernella Alleyne-Toppin.

Not only have Government spokespersons tried to spin Ms Alleyne-Toppin’s crassness into a social concern message about rape, but UNC hacks on social media continue her denigrating diatribe against Opposition Leader Keith Rowley. But what could the UNC-led coalition hope to achieve by this? The widespread public condemnation has clearly harmed the Partnership’s image, including its trump card, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who will no doubt suffer a drop in approval ratings by her refusal to remove the Tobago East MP from her entirely inappropriate post in the Ministry of the Peolpe and Social Development.
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UNC’s Anansi Moment

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
April 01, 2015

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeThis is Holy Week for 1.7 billion Christians all over the world. It is a time when Christ overcame his detractors. Betrayed by one of his disciples and condemned to death, he rose triumphantly three days afterwards, which is celebrated as Easter Day.

Over the past week Dr. Keith Rowley’s detractors have berated him, condemned him to political death and sought to entomb him in a political grave. Rather than reject Vernella Alleyne Toppin’s venom unequivocally, the UNC hierarchy clings to the illusion that Dr. Rowley still has questions to answer. Our learned Prime Minister insists she accepts parts of Alleyene Toppin’s accusations against him.
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All ah we is one, right?

All ah we is one, right?
By Reginald Dumas – March 31, 2015
Trini PeopleIn April 2014 Jaishima Leladharsingh said in an insensitive Facebook comment said that he was “glad (ANR) Robinson (had) gone forever.” Soon after, he launched a racial assault on Anthony McLeod, whom he didn’t know but who he obviously thought was black. McLeod’s photo in fact shows him a mixed race person. Leladharsingh was clearly misled by the name: he must have assumed that Anthony looked like Errol. The Minister should take note.
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Probe ex-AG’s spending

Express Editorial
March 30, 2015 – trinidadexpress.com

Anand RamloganWe join the call for a full investigation into the payment of legal fees by the Office of the Attorney General during the tenure of Anand Ramlogan. A thorough forensic audit would be the best way to explain the phenomenal 300 per cent-plus increase in payments to private attorneys hired by the State during Ramlogan’s tenure. It would also serve to deal with the many questions and complaints that have been raised by some of the private attorneys involved since the payment figures were released. If there are discrepancies between the figures supplied to Parliament and the actual figures, these would need to be identified and resolved.
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NGC pays $700 million to SIS

…for Beetham water recycling plant Only 45 % complete…

By Asha Javeed
March 30, 2015 – trinidadexpress.com

Raffique ShahDespite the project being only 45 per cent complete, National Gas Company (NGC) has already paid Super Industrial Services (SIS) close to $700 million (70 per cent of the cost) for the Design & Build and Operation & Maintenance of the Beetham Water Recycling Plant.

In March 2014, NGC awarded the billion-dollar contract to a consortium led by Super Industrial Services and its two sub-contractors, Foster Wheeler and Hyflux, for US$167 million (about TT$1 billion).
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‘Lynching’ in the House

By Raffique Shah
March 29, 2015

Raffique ShahDesperation bordering on panic pushed the People’s Partnership into the abyss of indecency last Wednesday, which will be recorded as the day the Partnership lost the 2015 general election.

Driven by unbridled greed to hold on to power, hence the Treasury, by any means necessary, the Partnership members, all of them, even those who remained silent, are guilty of gang-raping Parliament, of reducing it to the biggest brothel this side of the Atlantic.
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PM accepts Vernella’s apology

By Anna Ramdass
March 28, 2015 – trinidadexpress.com

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Vernella Alleyne-ToppinPrime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said last night that she too condemns the controversial statements made by Tobago East MP Vernella Alleyne-Toppin but she has also accepted her apology.

Said Persad-Bissessar: ” I would like to add my voice to the voices of concern and condemnation for parts of the statement that the honourable Minister made and so I want to make that point up front.”

Persad-Bissessar said she expressed this to Alleyne-Toppin “directly”.
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