Dat Good For Yuh

By Michael De Gale

I can’t wait until the next general election to see if bold face politicians who abandoned their constituencies for years, have the gall to come and campaign in the hood, begging poor people to put them back into power. What will be even more interesting, is to see if all those who ketching hell to make ends meet and reeling from the unrelenting frustrations of daily life, will stain their fingers and vote those slackers back into office. If people who are the victims of Governmental indifference, maladministration, corruption and gross incompetence should re-elect the present administration or even a UNC Government who can’t even decide on a leader, then they damn well deserve what they get.
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Miss City of Port of Spain, in Pictures

Miss City of Port of Spain
Miss City of Port of Spain, in Pictures

The Miss City of Port of Spain 2006, which was a production of the Port of Spain Corporation, took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Wrightson Road, Port of Spain on Sunday August 06th 2006.
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Miss City of Port of Spain 2006
The Crown Plaza Hotel was the host venue of the Miss City of Port of Spain Pageant which took place on Sunday 6th August, 2006.
Full Article : triniview.com

Tale of two rail systems

By Raffique Shah

Two news articles from the international press agencies caught my eye last Friday. The first was a report that China was building a US$27-billion train line that will connect Beijing with the southern economic hub of Shenzen. I read it bearing in mind that our Transport Minister, Colm Imbert, recently told a post-Cabinet briefing that the proposed rail link between Arima and Port of Spain will cost “at least US$6 billion”. Last week, in an obvious bid to speed up the tendering-and, presumably, construction-process, Imbert’s ministry hosted a meeting with potential bidders at which more details of the reintroduction of rail transport in the country were discussed.
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Not the same old story

By Terry Joseph

Information recently released by the Ministry of Social Development’s Division of Ageing indicates that, in nine years’ time persons aged between 55 and 64 will outnumber those in the 15 to 25 bracket which, for some of us, is the best news in decades.

According to division head Dr Jennifer Rouse, at present some ten per cent of the population is aged 60 or older and, by 2015, the balance will shift definitively in favour of that group, occasioned by conflicting trends in mortality and fertility, people living longer due to advances in healthcare, while education restrains youth from premature procreation.
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Ground war grinds to unexpected halt

By Raffique Shah

War is hell, says an adage that rings truer today than when it was first coined, maybe centuries ago. And in war, truth is the first casualty-another adage that has remained unchanged from the primitive period, when giant catapults were the weapons of choice, to today’s not-so-smart bombs that seem to have an uncanny honing ability in favour of unarmed civilians over combatants. Still, for all its brutality and its inhumanity, war holds a perverse fascination for those who were schooled in military history, strategy and tactics. This personal background brings me back to the deepening conflict in the Middle-East that seems poised to plunge the world into a cataclysm last experienced in World War II, which few alive today experienced or remember.
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Emancipation 2006: Sheboka – The Gathering

Emancipation Celebrations

TriniView.com Staff Article

The opening night of the Lidj Yasu Omowale Village was held at the Jean Pierre Complex on Thursday, 24th July, 2006, and was spared the torrential showers experienced earlier that day. Although the turnout was affected by the rainy weather, many people still showed up to welcome in the auspicious occasion of Emancipation.
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Building Bridges to Unite African People

Emancipation Celebrations


This year, for the first time, there will be a major Emancipation festival in South Trinidad. The Southern Emancipation Committee, a newly formed organisation will be hosting the festival which runs from Friday 28th July until Tuesday 1st August 2006 on the Harris Promenade, south Trinidad. The theme of this inaugural event is Building Bridges to Unite African People.
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The brutal story of British empire continues to this day

All around the world, from Sierra Leone to Sri Lanka, the violent legacy of colonialism can still be witnessed

By Richard Gott, The Guardian UK

Many of the present conflicts in the world take place in the former colonial territories that Britain abandoned, exhausted and impoverished, in the years after the second world war. This disastrous imperial legacy is still highly visible, and it is one of the reasons why the British empire continues to provoke such harsh debate. If Britain made such a success of its colonies, why are so many in an unholy mess half a century later, major sources of violence and unrest?
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Courting another revolution

By Raffique Shah

Looking around at the many idiot concerts being staged at the highest levels in this society, with some of the most senior office holders as principal actors, one wonders if these people have nothing better to do, if they fail to see the trees from the wood. How and why two matters concerning the Chief Justice can grab headlines for close to two years, and remain mired in the courts and even more so in the political arena, defies imagination and rationality.
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