Tag Archives: Politics

Dumas, Daly question President’s $28,000 monthly housing allowance


By Ria Taitt
November 07, 2014 – trinidadexpress.com

President Anthony CarmonaSenior counsel Martin Daly has questioned the legal basis on which the Chief Personnel Officer granted approval for the payment of a tax-free $28,000 housing allowance for President Anthony Carmona.

And former head of the Public Service Reginald Dumas stated yesterday that it would be “ethically reprehensible” if President Carmona is indeed living in State-provided accommodation, while at the same time receiving a housing allowance.
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How to lose friends and alienate people

By Raffique Shah
November 02, 2014

Raffique ShahMany among the upwardly mobile of yesteryear’s generations—politicians, car and insurance salesmen and budding businessmen—were sure to read Dale Carnegie’s bestselling book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Carnegie was one of the earliest leadership training gurus in America, and his books, especially this one, were virtual bibles for people wanting to wield power or become millionaires.
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Ramlogan disturbed by lack of charges

By Andre Bagoo
October 31 2014 – newsday.co.tt

Cocaine PacksATTORNEY General Anand Ramlogan yesterday said he was “gravely disturbed” by the lack of charges in relation to a report of a doctor failing to notify law enforcement authorities about cocaine said to have been surgically removed from the body of a patient. He did so as he called on Acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams to continue a probe into the matter.
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Ralph Maraj’s Myopia

By Dr. Selwyn Cudjoe
October 22, 2014

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeRECENTLY, I had a lively debate with Ralph Maraj on Cuba and its successes on i95 FM Showdown programme. Mr Maraj insisted that nothing good could come out of Cuba because Cuba has failed as a socialist society and there is “no freedom in that country”. I tried to convince him that Cuba has emerged as a leader on the world stage in areas of health care and education and there is little crime to speak of in that country. He insisted that Cuba was worthy only of condemnation.
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Ebola: panic paralyses nation

By Raffique Shah
October 19, 2014

Raffique ShahPort of Spain, November 31, 2014: Reports that two persons stricken with the deadly Ebola virus were identified and isolated, one at the capital city’s general hospital, the other at the Mount Hope facility, have paralysed Trinidad and Tobago, literally shutting down the country.

There is an eerie silence across the country, at least those parts that this reporter reached by car, restricted as I was since petrol stations, like most essential services, ceased to function last Friday when rumours that Ebola had arrived sent the nation into panic.
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Wayne’s Choice

By Raffique Shah
October 12, 2014

Raffique ShahWayne Kublalsingh’s second hunger strike has bared the good, the bad, and the very nasty sides of his fellow citizens, although I feel certain none of this surprises the environmental activist whose dogged pursuit of his goals puts many of us to shame.

One does not have to agree with Wayne to admire the man. I have stated before, I do not know whether his opposition to the Debe to Mon Desir section of the San Fernando to Point Fortin Highway is justified, if the alternatives he proposes are better. Like most people, including Wayne, I support the construction of a highway that will make commuting in Deep South Trinidad easier.
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Truth be told

By Suzanne Mills
October 10 2014 – newsday.co.tt

Armoured Personnel CarriersWhat I’m about to say will likely be deemed harsh, but it is my view that MPs serving in hotspot communities should not ask for or receive armed security and should definitely not be more protected than the residents who live in their constituencies and face the same threat from criminals as they do. It can also be argued that an MP who is guarded is less likely to do his or her best to bring crime under control and that until politicians stand the bounce for their misguided policies, they should not be spared from having to look over their shoulders.
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Pay heed, Madam PM

By Keith Subero
Octobeer 06, 2014 – trinidadexpress.com

The Prime Minister, should be “so advised” that before she makes any other statements on Dr Wayne Kublalsingh’s hunger strike, she should re-examine the Dr James Armstrong independent report on the Debe to Mon Desir section of the Point Fortin Highway.
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Minority May Decide

By Raffique Shah
October 05, 2014

Raffique ShahPollster Nigel Henry’s projection that the results of the 2015 general elections will likely be a “statistical dead heat” is in keeping with the trend that emerged post-1986, after the PNM lost its electoral supremacy.

Every election since 1991 has been a tight race between the PNM and the UNC in whatever form or combination the latter contested the polls.
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